FreeFileSync 11.11 – FreeFileSync ialah perangkat lunak Open Source yg mampu membantu anda untuk mengsinkronisasikan data pada Windows, macOS, & Linux.

FreeFileSync memiliki kemampuan menyinkronkan file antara dua folder atau melaksanakan sinkronisasi file baru kedua arah. Program ini di dukung pula unicode & jaringan FTP untuk sinkronisasi database server.

Program ini disokong pula fitur backup data yg mampu pribadi di upload ke Google Drive. Aplikasi ini mampu mengsinkronkan file diantaranya musik, gambar, video, file, software, code & lain sebagainya.

Fitur dr FreeFileSync:

# New file group layout on main grid (reloaded)

# Alternate colors for main grid folder groups

# Added file group context hidangan

# Quick selection of items in folder group

# Fixed FTP access errors with Explicit SSL/TLS

# Fixed Google Drive error when double quotes in file name

# Fixed RTL layout bug with number input control

# Fixed grid column default sizes

# Fixed grid rendering performance during mouse scrolling

# Update all config files transactionally

# Respect user-preferred number/time format (Linux)

# Fixed floating panels not being resizable (Linux)

# Instantly open selection context sajian on right mouse button down

# Further improved high DPI support

# Updated deprecated system API calls (requires macOS 10.10 or later)

# Fixed crash when accessing Nexis storage (macOS)

# Avoid buffer flush when aborting native file output

# Clear preview after folder history selection

# Pre-allocate target file without setting size

# Unified system error message formatting

FreeFileSync 11.11

License : Freeware

Developer : ZenJu

Requirements : Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10

  Avira Free Antivirus 15.0.2103.2081

FreeFileSync for Windows