Expression Introducing Oneself and Other People

The following are examples of introducing oneself.

Introducing Oneself Responding
Hello, I’m Edi. What’s your name? Hi, Edo. I’m Wati.
Hi, I’m Anik. May I know your name, please? Hi, Anik. My name is Dodik.
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name’s Budi Rahayu. You can call me Budi. Hello, Budi. I’m Tri Wijayanti. Please call me Tri.
Good morning, everyone. I’m Mr. Mauritius, your English teacher. Good morning, Sir.

Here are examples of introducing other people.

Introducing Other People Responding
Heru, this Umi. Umi, this is Heru. Hello, Umi./Hello, Heru.
Mom, please meet Mrs. Nunik, my teacher. Mrs. Nunik, this my mother, Mrs. Mira. How do you do?/How do you do?
Here’s Hari! Hari – Sigit. Sigit – Hari. Hi, Sigit./Hi, Hari.
  Hayati : Bonny is very disappointed.