Contoh Soal Passive Voice

Contoh Soal Passive Voice – Materi makalah pembahsan kali ini tentang acuan soal passive voice – pengertian, rumus & pembahasannya. Namun dipertemuan sebelumnya kami telah membicarakan perihal Contoh soal kesempatan. Baiklah langsung aja mari kita simak bersama ulasan dibawah ini.

Pengertian Passive Voice

Passive voice ialah suatu bentuk kalimat dimana subjek kalimat mendapatkan agresi, bukan melakukan agresi.Namun berbeda dengan  active voice yg lebih konsentrasi untuk pihak yg melaksanakan aksi (doer of action), bentuk ini bisa dikatan lebih berkonsentrasi pada pihak atau objek yg mendapatkan hasil dr suatu aksi tersebut (receiver of action).

Rumus Passive Voice

Dalam membentuk suatu kalimat pasif, maka rumus sederhana di bawah ini biasanya dipakai namun tetap mesti diadaptasi dgn tense kalimatnya.

Penggunaan & Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice

no active voice passive voice
1 Penggunaan Passive voice saat doer of action tak diketahui.
Someone knocked on your door last night.

(Seseorang mengetuk pintumu semalam.)

Your door was knocked on last night.

(Pintumu diketuk semalam.)

Somebody has used the computer without permission.

(Seseorang sengaja memakai komputer dgn tanpa izin.)

The computer has been used without permission.

(Komputer itu telah dipakai tanpa izin.)

2 Penggunaan pada Passive voice saat doer of action hal yg tak perlu disebutkan (contohnya karena pelaku agresi tersebut sudah terperinci / mampu ditebak atau merujuk pada orang dengan-cara umum).
You can view the final results on the internet.

(Kamu dapat melihat hasil-jadinya di internet.)

The final results can be viewed on the web.

(Hasil jadinya dapat dilihat di internet.)

People rarely do this intentionally.

(Orang-orang jarang melaksanakan ini dgn sengaja.)

This is rarely done intentionally.

(Ini jarang dilaksanakan dgn sengaja.)

Teacher the instructed the students to solve the math persoalan.

(Guru itu menyuruh para siswa untuk menyelesaikan soal matematika.)

The students were instructed to solve the math dilema.

(Para siswa diperintahkan untuk menyelesaikan soal matematika.)

3 Penggunaan pada Passive voice guna untuk memberi tekanan terhadap object.
Sunmark Press published The Enzyme Factorat the first time in 2005.

(Sunmark Press menerbitkan The Enzyme Factor pertama kali di tahun 2005.)

The Enzyme Factor was published at the first time in 2005 by Sunmark Press.

(The Enzyme Factor dipublikasin pertama kali di tahun 2005.)

Contoh Soal Passive Voice

1. They translated some old documents last week. What is the passive form of this sentence?

A) Last week some old documents were translated by them.

B) few weeks ago the old document had been translated by them.

C) The old document is being translated them last week.

D)old documents translated by them last week

E) Last week an old document was translated.

Oleh alasannya adalah pola yg terdapat pada kalimat di atas ialah past tense, jadi kalimat pasif mengikuti pola dasar.

Jawaban: D

2. A very important email has been sent to my secretary. What is the form of this active sentence?

A) My secretary was sending the important email

B) My secretary sends the important email

C) My secretary is sending the important email

D) My secretary sent a very important email

E) My secretary has sent the important email

Pada pasif di atas mempunyai sebuah pola present perfect, sehingga kalimat aktif menjadi Subject + ha/have + V3 + Object.

Jawaban: E

3. We will all visit grandma next week. What is the passive form of this sentence?

A) We will all visit grandma next week.

B) Grandma will be visited next week by us.

C) Our grandmothers be visited by us next week.

D) The grandmother will be visited next week by us.

E) Our grandmother will visit next week.

Pola kalimat di atas merupakan future continuous tense.

Jawaban: A

4. We can see there are many beautiful paintings at this exhibition. They … by famous Indonesian painters.

A) Painting

B) Painted

C) Paint

D) Be Painting

E) Being painting

Pada pola kalimat pasif diatas memakai Subject + to be + Verb3.

Jawaban: B

5. Two tents for our camping would …….. by my mother.

A) Being bought

B) Been bought

C) Be bought

D) Bought

E) Been buying

Karena sebelum belahan kosong pada kalimat di atas terdapat modal berupa would, maka setelah itu harus berbentukbentuk kata kerja dasar. Jawaban: C

6. They canceled all flights due to fog. The following is the form of the passive sentence, because of the fog ….

A) All flights had cancelled

B) All flights were cancelled

C) All flights have been cancelled

D) They be cancelled

E) They are being cancelled

Pada penggunaan kalimat diatas merupakan pola pasif was/were + Verb3, menjadi because 

Jawaban: B

7. The famous architect is designing our new office. In the above sentence, state the form of a passive climate, our new office …… by a well-known architect.

A) Design

B) Designed

C) Be designing

D) Is designed

E) Is being designed

Pada penggunaaan Kalimat di atamerupakan kalimat pasif.

Jawaban: E

8. Jupiters four moons ……. through a telescope by Galileo.

A) Were first viewed

B) First viewed

C) Had been first viewed

D) Were being first viewed

E) First being viewed

Untuk menjawab pada soal di atas, langkah awal mesti dapat memperhatikan subjek kalimat & tenses. Subjek Jupters four moons bentuk jamak, & memakai past tense. jadi mesti menggunakan pola were + Verb3, menjadi were first viewed.

Jawaban: A


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