Contoh Puisi Inggris Lord Byron

Contoh Puisi Sastrawan Dunia – Siapakah Lord Byron yg diketahui selaku penyair di kala Romantisme? Lord Byron merupakan penyair Inggris kenamaan & merupakan figur penting dlm pergerakan ke masa Romantisme. Karyanya yg populer yakni puisi narasi Don Juan, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage & puisi pendek dgn judul She Walks in Beauty. Sayang sekali ia mati muda, pada usia 36 tahun. Tapi meskipun berumur pendek, ia menciptakan aneka macam karya yg memberi gagasan banyak sastrawan lainnya.

Lord Byron dikenal pula selaku seorang yg boros, berani, eksentrik, flamboyan, kontroversial, independen, cepat marah, sehingga sobat-temannya berpikir ia menderita gangguan jiwa sebab pergeseran moodnya yg sangat cepat. Terutama dlm hal menyayangi & menyakiti.

Berikut 2 Contoh Puisi Lord Byron yg bisa Sobat simak.

Song of Soul Before His Battle

Warriors and chiefs! Should the shaft or the sword
Pierce me in leading the host of the lord,
Heard not the corse, though a kings in tour path:
Bury your steel the bosom of Gath!

Thou who art bearing my buckler and bow,
Should the soldiers of Saul look away from the foe,
Stretch me that moment in blood at thy6 feet!
Mine be the doom which they dared not to meet.

Farewell to others, but never we part,
Heir to my royalty, son of my heart!
Bright is the diadem, boundless the sway,
Or kingly the death, which awaits us today!

(Lord Byron)

Secret Ghost

The secret Ghost I love the most
Is the one lurking in my dream
hot from the moon in a silvery gloom
Her love is pure and clean

  10 Contoh Puisi Linus Suryadi

I truly admire the burning fire
That she feeds to her soul
Her lovely scent is heaven sent
She repays every moment she stole

In the sea of sleep she is mine for keeps
And her hand is I mine
As I wake, arise from the lake
The water tastes like wine

When she speaks and my attention seeks
My heads fills with that sound
I choose her voice, the only choice
The waking world renounced

And every word that I’ve ever heard
Means less then when she breathe
A present unwrapping is the silent tapping
Of her small and bare feet