Contoh Kartu Ucapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris​

acuan kartu ucapan dlm bahasa inggris​


Congratulations to You guys, Happy birth Day, Happy Graduation, I am glad to see you so Happy dll

Semoga menolong;-)

pola kartu ucapan dlm bahasa inggris

Happy brithday .yoga
itś your brithday . you must be very happy
l wish you all the best

maaf klo Salah

Contoh kartu ucapan berbahasa inggris.


Dear Naila

Congratulation! After hearing you won an English Speaking Contest and you got a trophy, I really happy to hear it, I hope you always win in the next years contest.

your friend,


pola kartu ucapan dlm bahasa inggris

Dear: Bayu,

Happy Birthday. I wish you all the best.

From: Beni

pola kartu ucapan dlm bahasa inggris

Dear Wanda
     Memorable moment r celebrated together. You are My best friend for now & forever .

     Hope this 2016 year bring Happiness for you. Make me miss you even more this New yaers.


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