Ciri Ciri Kura Kura Dalam Bahasa Inggris

ciri ciri kura kura dlm bahasa inggris

– has four legs
– herbivorous animal

ciri ciri kura kura dlm bahasa inggris

Tortoises are shielded from predators by a shell.Tortoises can vary in
size from a few centimeters to two meters. They are generally reclusive animals.
The number of concentric rings on the carapace, much like the cross-section of a tree,
can sometimes give a clue to how old the animal is, but, since the
growth depends highly on the accessibility of food and water, a tortoise
that has access to plenty of forage
(or is regularly fed by its owner) with no seasonal variation will have
no noticeable rings. Moreover, some tortoises grow more than one ring
per season, and in some others, due to wear, some rings are no longer
Tortoises generally have one of the longest lifespans of any animal, and
some individuals are known to have lived longer than 150 years.

Most land-based tortoises are herbivores,
feeding on grasses, weeds, leafy greens, flowers, and some fruits,
although some omnivorous species are in this family. Pet tortoises
typically require diets based on wild grasses, weeds, leafy greens and
certain flowers. Certain species consume worms or insects
and carrion in their wajar habitats. Too much protein is detrimental
in herbivorous species, and has been associated with shell deformities
and other medical problems. As different tortoise species vary greatly
in their nutritional requirements, it is essential to thoroughly
research the dietary needs of an individual tortoise.

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Ciri-ciri kura-kura dlm bahasa inggris & bahasa indonesia

bahasa inggris=
1.have a turtle shell in water and land fish

bahasa indonesia=
1.mempunyai tempurung kura2
2.hidup di air & di darat
3.mengkonsumsi ikan

ciri ciri kura kura dlm bahasa inggris

The characteristic of turtle :
1. have four legs
2. have strong shell
3. including a herbivore animal
4. can multiply by spawn an eggs
5. eat vegetables

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Kura-kura & ciri-cirinya dlm bahasa inggris

1. Has a shell called carapace (carapace) at the top and at the bottom plastron (belly). Both are connected to each other. The aim is to avoid prey or intruders.

2. Being able to get into the shell. Her neck can be longer and shorter.

3. Chest and pelvis beradal inside the shell.

4. Has claws.

5. Moves slowly when running on land.

6. Do not have teeth, but the muzzle hard in the mouth can be used as a replacement tooth.

7. Laying and incubating eggs with how to plant it in the sand.

8. Able to survive for hundreds of years, there are even 226 years old.