Daftar Isi
cause and effect. of flooding in jakarta
causes of Flooding:
Illegal logging
Settlements along the river
Dam or dam that is damaged
High Rainfall
Blockage of river flow
Flooding due to Tsunami Disaster
Penyebab Banjir
Penebangan hutan dengan-cara liar
Pemukiman di bantaran sungai
Bendungan atau waduk yg rusak
Curah Hujan Tinggi
Tersumbatnya anutan sungai
Banjir alasannya adalah Bencana Tsunami
Stopping Residents’ Activities
Outbreaks of disease
Economic Losses
Difficult to get clean water
Menghentikan Aktivitas Warga
Timbulnya wabah penyakit
Kerugian Ekonomi
Sulit mendapat air bersih
jadikan jawaban terbaik ya
tolong bantu buat dialog bahasa inggris cause and effect tentang flooding in jakarta
Flooding in Jakarta
Beni: Wow, there are so many trashes out here.
Dani: Yeah, i agreed with you. Why does people didn’t want to put their trashes in a trash bin?
Beni: Maybe because of their lazyness.
Dani: However, these trashes are making Jakarta always flooded every year!
Beni: Really? Tell me more about that.
Dani: So, people are always blaming the government for the flood that always happen in Jakarta. But they just blaming them for no reasons. They should looked to them self. Many people in Jakarta are doesn’t even care about Jakarta. They throw trashes out of their houses, and many more.
Beni: Well of course, we have to look into ourself to.
Dani: That’s right. Let’s take care of our city!
Beni: You’re right. Before a flood happen again, we have to prevent it!
–The End–
Sorry if there was any mistakes 🙂
tolong bantu buat dialog bahasa inggris cause and effect ihwal flooding in jakarta,,, mau di kumpul besok
Jono: hey, joni.
joni: hey, jono.
jono: do you know flood is coming into Jakarta
joni: yes, i have heard it.
jono: do you know how to prevent it?
joni: flood is caused by trash that is not thrown in the trash bin.
jono: so, we have to throw trash into the trash bin?
joni: yes, flood can be dangerous for everyone. that’s why we must prevent it by keeping the environment clean.
jono: oh, thank you joni for the information.
joni: you’re welcome
Maaf kalau salah
acuan obrolan cause and effects of flooding in jakarta
Flooding in Jakarta
Beni: Wow, there are so many trashes out here.
Dani: Yeah, i agreed with you. Why does people didn’t want to put their trashes in a trash bin?
Beni: Maybe because of their lazyness.
Dani: However, these trashes are making Jakarta always flooded every year!
Beni: Really? Tell me more about that.
Dani: So, people are always blaming the government for the flood that always happen in Jakarta. But they just blaming them for no reasons. They should looked to them self. Many people in Jakarta are doesn’t even care about Jakarta. They throw trashes out of their houses, and many more.
Beni: Well of course, we have to look into ourself to.
Dani: That’s right. Let’s take care of our city!
Beni: You’re right. Before a flood happen again, we have to prevent it!
cause and effect of flooding,corruption,and bullying on teenagers
Penyebab & akibat banjir,korupsi,dan bullying pada dewasa.