
Good acting and good story can make a play interesting.

It is equally important to make it as realistic as possible with suitable costumes, props and sets. Be creative but don’t forget to have fun Good Luck Socy. 16. “It is equally important to make it as realistic as …. “ a play 17. What is text about? Advice to make the play realistic and … Read more

To All Third Grade Students

All library books have to be returned on the twenty-second of May, 2009. They should be covered with non-colorful wrapping plastic. Lost books must be replaced with the ones of similiar subjects. Fine will be charged to the late return of the books. Students who have handed in all books will get receipts that have … Read more

For sale greenwood a. 3-bedroom family home, double garage.

New condition. Large garden. Sort walk to city and schools. $74.000 b. Modern 2-storey 6 bedroom home, large living room, separate dining room, 3 bathrooms, basement, garage. Beautiful big garden and swimming pool. Excellent condition, $15.000 c. Luxury 2 bedroom apartment, near ocean. Quiet location. 45 minutes from city $55.000. d. Attractive 3-bedroom family home, … Read more

Who help Bandung build the temples?

Helped by The spirit of demons, Bandung Bondowoso started building the temples. Approaching midnight, the work would nearly be done. Rara Jonggrang knew this and thought, “What shall I do? Bandung is smarter than I, I would lose against Bandung. Suddenly she got an idea. She woke up all the women in the palace and … Read more

Dear John Sue informed me this morning that Mr. Hassan,

a local importer of local electrical goods, has ordered two hundreds Electrico washing machines, Model number E7, one hundred Electrico Quickmix electrik mixers, Model Number M3, fifty electric fan, Model Number F2, and twenty five air conditioner, Model Number Ac 1. Since this is a big order, he asked for 20% discount. I’m waiting for … Read more

I can’t believe that my time in Valencia

was a perfect ending to my perfect (48) adventure abroad. After listening one last time to my spanish friends play the guitar, having lunch with Anna (a wonderful Spanish girl who I (49) practiced Spanish with), saying good-bye to my (50) wonderful roommates and other friends. I met here, it’s inevitable that I will miss … Read more

Dear Mr. Anwar, We regret to inform you that

We are unable to lend you the sum of $500 that you requested, but it is possible to grant you part of the sum. If you are still interested, please contact our main office to arrange an appointment with the assistant manager. He will be happy to discuss the matter further. Your sincerely (Lending Officer) … Read more

When is boxing disgusting?

It is disgusting at times though, especially When there’s lots of blood. and some boxers died in the ring. In conclusion, both sides of the debate have solid foundations. As has been shown, the arguments for and against have been put forward since boxing began. And it would seem, the argument will continue for at … Read more

How fast can a grizzly run per hour?

In spite of their massive size, these bears can run at speeds of up to 40 km per hour (25 miles per hour). Every other year, the females (snows) produce one to four young (most commonly two) which are small and weigh only about 500 grams (one pound). A sow is very protective of her … Read more

Why are the grizzlies slower while running downhill?

Because they have large hump of muscle over the shoulders. The grizzly has a large hump over the shoulders which is a muscle mass used to power the foreclimbs in digging. The hind legs are powerful, however. The muscle in the lower legs provide enough strength for the bear to stand up on its hind … Read more

It will talk about the damage that can be

inflicted when two men stand face to face … (Paragraph 1). What is the synonym of the underlined word? imposed with the sole intention of knocking each other out with their fists. It will go on to argue that boxing, or legitimate assault, has no place in the twenty first century.

Who do you think has the authority to make boxing licensed and controlled?

It is The Boxing Federation Boxing, amongst other hand-to-hand fighting, has been with us for thousands of years. Originally it was nothing more than bare fist fighting between two willing, and sometimes unwilling competitors for the entertainment of other. Some people argue that is a relatively safe, disciplined, high skilled, and technical sport that brings … Read more

An adoptive child has no right …

True answer: To live with his/her natural parents By law, adopted child has all the legal rights of the member of the family that raises him or her. A foster child does not. On the contrary, many adopted people worked to change the laws. They argue that people have a right to know their identity. … Read more

What does Takeshi Kasai do?

He is an/a WHO’s adviser While Asian countries are more prepared to react to any outbreaks than before and have vaccine stockpiles, death and infections have continued, noted Takeshi Kasai, the Who’s adviser for communicable disease surveillance and response.