Buatlah Descriptive Text Dengan Tema Bebas, Harus Ada Generic StructureDan Language Features​

Buatlah descriptive text dgn tema bebas, mesti ada generic structure & language features​


1. My Car

I have a car. It is my means of transportation. Almost everybody I go to work by car.

Therefore, Maintening the car is very crucial. It needs to be serviced regularly. Beside servicing the engine, I have to pay attention to all the tyres.

Inside my car there are some important tools such as scissor, lead, pick, jack for wheel alarmed. It is very important to change the tyre when it is flat. My car doesn’t need to have a nail to change a generator, a tyre compressor, a tyre changer and did all tyre lifter, but I should check all tyres regularly before driving.

Generic Structure

1. Identification: Teks descriptive sagat singkat diatas menidentifikasi mobil aku (my car) sebagi subject penulisan

2. Descriptions: Descripsi yg diberikan dr teks diaats ada pentingnya kendaraan beroda empat itu selaku alat transposrtasi. Didalam kendaraan beroda empat ada beberapa peraltan yg sangat memiliki kegunaan tatkala tiba-tiba, mobilnya ada duduk perkara.

Arti Teks Descriptive My Car

Mobil aku

Saya memiliki kendaraan beroda empat. Ini adalah fasilitas utama dlm transportasi. Hampir tiap hari, saya pergi melakukan pekerjaan dgn mobil.

Oleh sebab itu, Memelihara mobl tersebut diarsa sangat penting. Perlu dilayani servis dengan-cara terencana. Selain melayani mesin, saya mesti mengamati semua ban.

-Descriptive text & Narrative text.
-Aspek yg dicari yaitu Tujuan, Generic structure, & Language features.​


Language Feature of Narrative Text:

– Past tense (killed, drunk, etc)

– Adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)

– Time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)

– Specific character. The character of the story is specific, not general. (Cinderella, Snow White, Alibaba, etc)

  Berikan Contoh Makanan Yang Halal Dari Cara Memperolehnya!

– Action verbs. A verb that shows an action. (killed, dug, walked, etc)

– Direct speech. It is to make the story lively. (Snow White said, ”My name is Snow White”). The direct speech uses present tense.

Kinds of Narrative Text



fairy tales





A slave named Androcles once escaped from his master and fled to the forest. As he was wandering about there he came upon a Lion lying down moaning and groaning. At first he turned to flee, but finding that the Lion did not pursue him, he turned back and went up to him. As he came near, the Lion put out his paw, which was all swollen and bleeding, and Androcles found that a huge thorn had got into it, and was causing all the pain. He pulled out the thorn and bound up the paw of the Lion, who was soon able to rise and lick the hand of Androcles like a dog. Then the Lion took Androcles to his cave, and every day used to bring him meat from which to live.

But shortly afterwards both Androcles and the Lion were captured, and the slave was sentenced to be thrown to the Lion, after the latter had been kept without food for several days. The Emperor and all his Court came to see the spectacle, and Androcles was led out into the middle of the arena. Soon the Lion was let loose from his den, and rushed bounding and roaring towards his victim. But as soon as he came near to Androcles he recognised his friend, and fawned upon him, and licked his hands like a friendly dog.

The Emperor, surprised at this, summoned Androcles to him, who told him the whole story. Whereupon the slave was pardoned and freed, and the Lion let loose to his native forest.

Gratitude is the sign of noble souls.

Terjemahan Narrative Text Androcles

Pada suatu hari seorang budak berjulukan Androcles melarikan diri dr majikannya menuju hutan belantara. Saat sedang berlangsung-jalan dihutan, ia berjumpa dgn seekor singa yg sedang mengerang kesakitan. Karena terkejut, Androcles secepatnya melarikan diri, namun ternyata singa tersebut tak mengejarnya. Androcles penasaran ingin tahu apa yg terjadi dgn singa tersebut. Saat ia mendekat, sang singa memberikan kakinya yg abses & berdarah. Ternyata, ada sebuah duri besar yg menusuk kaki sang singa. Androcles segera mencabut duri tersebut, lalu membalut kaki sang singa. Tidak lama kemudian Sang singa kembali dapat berlangsung. Sang singa sungguh bahagia, ia menjilati Androcles selaku rasa terima kasihnya. Sang singa mengajak Androcles ke tempat tinggalnya di gua. Setiap hari Sang singa membawakan daging segar untuk Androcles.

  Pengertian Faktor Psikologis, Beserta Contohnya.

Pada suatu hari pasukan kerajaan diantaruntuk mencari budak-budak yg melarikan diri. Pasukan tersebut sukses mendapatkan Androcles & menenteng Androcles serta Sang singa ke kerajaan. Karena melarikan diri Androcles akan diberi hukuman bertarung dgn seekor singa yg sudah berhari-hari tak diberi makan.

Pada hari yg diputuskan, raja & para pembesar kerajaan tiba ke arena untuk menonton pertarungan antara Androcles & Singa. Androcles secepatnya dibawa menuju tengah arena. Kemudian Sang singa yg lapar dilepaskan dr sangkarnya ke dlm arena. Sang singa segera berlari & mengaum menuju calon korbannya. Tetapi sesudah dekat, Sang singa mengenali ternyata itu yakni Androcles, sahabatnya. Sang singa mengibas-ngibaskan ekornya & menjilati Androcles. Sang Raja terkejut, lalu mengundang Androcles & memintanya menceritakan kisahnya dgn Sang singa.

Sang raja kemudian memaafkan & membebaskan Androcles, sedangkan Sang singa kembali dilepaskan ke hutan.

Terima kasih yaitu tanda hati yg mulia

generic structure & language features dr descriptive

identification, description itu generic

yg language feature :
using attributive
using adjective
using simple

pola descriptive text beserta generic structure & language features

Bidang Studi: B.Inggris
Bab: Descriptive Text
Tingkatan: Kelas VII Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Descriptive Text:
Lions are often called the kings of the jungle. They can weigh between 250 and 550 pounds. It depends on sex and age they can grow up to be 14 years old in the wild and over the age of 20 years old in captivity.
They become capable at hunting at age of two and are fully grown after 5 or 6 years.Male lion’s are distinguish able for their impressive manes, which signifies their masculinity and reflects their health. The darker and the thicker the mane, the healthier the lion is. It allows the lion’s to appear and frightening to warn off enemies, particularly, humans. The manes also appeals to lionesses. It is scientifically proven that the mate more with lions thick and dark manes. Lion with no manes are either genetically inbred or have been castrated.

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Generic structure :
Identification ↪Lions are often called the kings of the jungle. They can weigh between 250 and 550 pounds. It depends on sex and age they can grow up to be 14 years old in the wild and over the age of 20 years old in captivity.

Description ↪They become capable at hunting at age of two and are fully grown after 5 or 6 years.Male lion’s are distinguish able for their impressive manes, which signifies their masculinity and reflects their health. The darker and the thicker the mane, the healthier the lion is. It allows the lion’s to appear and frightening to warn off enemies, particularly, humans. The manes also appeals to lionesses. It is scientifically proven that the mate more with lions thick and dark manes. Lion with no manes are either genetically inbred or have been castrated.

Language Features :
↪Pronouns = They, it
↪Adjectives = Dark, distinguish
↪Noun phrases = Dark manes
↪Adverbs = genetically, fully, scientifically
↪Linking Verbs = is
↪Preposition = is
semoga membantu ^..^

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descriptive text beserta generic structure & language features sekurang-kurangnya100 kata

My Beloved Mother


Every people certainly have a mother. It is because people are born from her.  The existence of her among us is definitely important. That is why I love her so much. I owe great debt to what she has been doing to me until right now. And here is my mother.


My mother’s name is Khodijah. She was born 49 years ago. She is short, but not too short. She is little fat. And she is old. She has got short white straight hair. She has got brown skin. She is beautiful. Her hand is so soft, the hand that have taught me to be kind person.
She never stops to support me. She always tells me to not give up so easily.

She always gives me some fine solutions when I have some problems. The importance of her is never denied. That is why I never reject her willing