Bahan Kuliah Wacana Research Methodology




Meaning of Research
– Research means finding answers to the questions
– Research is a systematic search for truth
– Research is search for knowledge
– Research is defined as a scientific and systematic search for information on a specific topic
– Organized scientific investigations to solve problems, test hypotheses, develop or invent new product
– Penelitian : Usaha untuk memperoleh, berbagi dan menguji kebenaran sebuah wawasan (Sutrisno Hadi MA dalam Cholid). 
Research is systematic, because it follows certain steps that are logical in order. These steps are:
– Understanding the nature of persoalan to be studied and identifying the related area of knowledge
– Reviewing literature 
– Collecting data in an organized and controlled manner to arrive at valid decisions
– Analyzing data appropriate to the persoalan
– Drawing conclusions 
Why Research?
To get a degree
To get respectability
To face a challenge
To solve a duduk perkara
To get intellectual joy
To serve society

Criteria Of A Good Research
– Purpose clearly defined
– Research process detailed
– Research design thoroughly planned
– Findings presented clearly
–  Conclusions justified  
Research Process
– Selection and formulation of research problem 
– Literature survey / review concepts or theories
– Review previous research findings
– Research design
– Data collection
– Processing and analysis of data
– Interpreting and reporting data
Components of Research

– Title
– Introduction
– Review of literature
– Objectives of the study
– Research design & methodology
– Conceptual framework
– Report writing
– Conclusion
– Select bibliography 
– It should be precise  (words)
– It should be clear  (conceptual)
– It should be specific  (scope)
– It should be catchy  (attractive)

– It is expected to introduce chosen research problems / topic covering its origin, meaning, purpose, development at international / national / regional level.

– The very idea of this component in the research ajuan is to acquaint readers with the research masalah.

Statement of persoalan…
– Proposed research topic should have genuine need for investigation 
– The term ‘masalah’ means a question or issue to be examined
Source of problem
 1. Reading 
2. Academic experience
3. Consultations
4. Brainstorming
5. Research 

6. intuition
Sumber :
Dosen : Mrs. Hanna