Audacity 3.0.2 – Audacity ialah audio lintas platform gratis & sumber terbuka. Perangkat lunak ini merupakan editor & perekam audio multi-track yg gampang dipakai untuk Windows, macOS, GNU / Linux, & sistem operasi lain.

Audacity memiliki empat tema yg diantaranya tema terang (default), serta gelap, kontras tinggi, klasik & tema khusus. Pengguna dapat merubah setiap tema & tema kustom identik dgn tema klasik. Selain itu pengguna pula dapat membuat template tema sendiri berdasarkan tema tersebut.

Dengan memakai Audacity, anda dapat membuat trek audio dgn dukungan fitur memangkas, menyalin, menyatukan, & mencampur aneka macam sampel suara. Selain itu anda jug dapat mengganti kecepatan nada & bahkan menetralisir suara yg tak diharapkan.

Fitur Audacity :


Audacity can record live audio through a microphone or mixer, or digitize recordings from other media.

Export / Import

Import, edit, and combine sound files. Export your recordings in many different file formats, including multiple files at once.

Sound Quality

Supports 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit. Sample rates and formats are converted using high-quality resampling and dithering.


Support for LADSPA, LV2, Nyquist, VST and Audio Unit effect plug-ins. Effects can be easily modified in a text editor – or you can even write your own plug-in.


Easy editing with Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete. Also unlimited sequential Undo (and Redo) in the session to go back any number of steps.


Real-time preview of LADSPA, LV2, VST and Audio Unit (macOS) effects. Plug-in Manager handles plug-in installation and addition/removal of effects and generators from the menus.

  Hotspot Shield 10.15.3


Tracks and selections can be fully manipulated using the keyboard. Large range of keyboard shortcuts.


Spectrogram view mode for visualizing and selecting frequencies. Plot Spectrum window for detailed frequency analysis. Support for Vamp analysis plug-ins.

Audacity 3.0.2

License : GNU GPL

Developer : Audacity Team

Requirements : Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10

Audacity Stable for Windows

Audacity Stable for macOS

Audacity Stable for Linux

Audacity for All OS