Asking for and Providing Facts/Information Related to Descriptions

To ask for facts/information, we use yes/no question and wh-questions, like what, who, when, where, which, and why.
The following are expressions to ask for and provide facts/information.

Asking for Facts/Information Providing Facts/Information
Who is your hobby? I like listening to music.
Who is your favorite singer? I like Raisa.
What is she like? She is pretty, tall, and slim. She has long hair and a fair complexion.
Why do you like her? She has a beautifull voice and her songs are easy listening.
Where does she come from? She comes from Jakarta, Indonesia.
When will she have a concert? She will have a concert next month.
What pet do you have? I have a Persian cat.
Since when have you had it? I have had it since three months ago.
What is your favorite food. I like empek-empek.
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