Apa Bahasa Inggrisnya Cara Membuat Kopi

apa bahasa inggrisnya cara membuat kopi

bahasa inggrisnya yakni How To Make Coffe
100% bener

teks speaking ihwal kopi good day cepat jawab ya soalnya buat besok cobaan praktek bahasa inggris

good morning my beloved teacher and friends. today i will tell you about how to make good day coffee. first, we have to prepare the materials and the ingredients. the materials are a cup, if we want to make a hot coffee, or a glass, if we want to make a cold coffee, and of course, a teaspoon. the ingredients are a sachet of good day coffee, sugar if necessary, water, and ice cubes if you want to make it cold. first, prepare a cup or a glass. open the sachet and pour the powder into a cup or a glass. powder good day usually included sugar, but, if you think it is not enough sweet, you can put some sugar into the cup/glass. and then, pour hot water if you want it hot, or pour a half of glass of the hot water, to mix the powder with water. and pour cold water and put ice cube. now, your good day is ready to be served.

cara menciptakan kopi dlm bahasa Inggris​


make a cup of coffe

materials :

– a spoon of coffe

  Mengenal Keindahan Dan Keberagaman Samudra Di Dunia

– some sugar

– a glass of water

steps :

1. boil a glass of water in the medium heat,until the water becomes hot enough

2. put a spoon of coffe in a cup.

3. add some sugar to the cup,based on your necesserity

4.after the water and the coffe in the cup

and coffe is ready to serve


make the coffe on english

Cara membuat kopi dlm bahasa inggris

Cara menciptakan kopi dlm bahasa Inggris & terjemahannya yaaaa 😀
How to make a cup of coffee
• Black coffee powder
• Sugar
• Chocolate powder

How to make:
1. Heat three cups of water on a medium heat
2. If the water is already hot, pour 5 spoons black coffee into the water and stir it until boiling, and then add the chocolate powder sufficiently.
3. Strain the coffee with a soft cloth several times.
4.  Prepare a cup and pour the boiling coffee into it.
5. Add sugar according to your taste
6. Stir it gently and a cup of coffee is ready to be served.
7. Serve it with some snacks especially banana fried.
8. Please enjoy your coffee

Cara membuat secangkir kopi:
• Bubuk kopi hitam
• Gula
• Coklat bubuk

Langkah-langkah pembuatannya:
1. Panaskan tiga cangkir air pada api sedang
2. Jika air telah panas, tuangkan 5 sdm kopi kedalam air & aduk sampai mendidih, kemudian tambakan cokelat debu secukupnya.
3. Saring kopi dgn kain lembut beberapa kali
4. Siapkan cangkir & tuangkan kopi yg mendidih ke dalamnya.
5. Tambahkan gula sesuai selera anda.
6. Aduk dgn lembut & kopi siap disajikan
7. Sajikan dgn beberapa makanan ringan, utamanya pisang goreng.
8. Selamat menikmati kopi anda.

  Syarat Mutlak Sebuah Negara Untuk Mengadakan Korelasi Internasional Yaitu

cara mengiklankan kopi good day​

kopi good day sangatlah enak & dibentuk dr biji kopi pilihan.beli good day kini pula & rasakan nikmatnya kopi ini