Answer The Following Questions Briefly

answer the following questions briefly

 Jawab pertanyaan berikut dengan-cara singkat Answer The Following Questions Briefly


Answer the following question briefly: jawab pertanyaan2 berikut dgn sinkat


mudah-mudahan berguna☺️

task 2 answer the following questions briefly

Tugas 2. Jawab pertanyaan berikut dengan-cara singkat.

task 2: answer the following questions briefly based on the text above.

kategori : Bahasa Inggris
kelas : Sekolah Menengan Atas

soal ini termasuk soal yg tak lengkap, sehingga akan saya terjemahkan per kata.

Task 2 (tugas 2) : answer (jawab) the following (berikut) questions (pertanyan-pertanyaan) briefly (dgn singkat) based on (berdasarkan) the text (teks) above (di atas)

sehingga, perintah pada peran 2 yaitu jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut dgn singkat menurut teks di atas (sebelumnya)

answer the following questions briefly

Answer the following questions briefly yakni menjawab pertanyaan dgn singkat. Jadi, cara menjawabnya dgn balasan pendek, tanpa menulis soalnya kembali.


Perhatikan paragraf berikut.

January 27, 2013

I have mixed feelings about my cousin. Yes, I love him, but his being careless many times gets me annoyed, like this one.  

It was Monday afternoon at that time. I was enjoying a TV show when I heard the bell of the ice cream vendor from a distance. That reminded me of something. I jumped from my seat and grabbed my wallet. I opened my wallet, and I was surprised. There were only a few rupiahs in it. Just a week ago, my auntie gave me more than enough for what I did for her. I am good at computer so she asked me to edit some photos from the last vacation.

I tried to remember where I spent my money during the past week. I remembered going to Jatim Park with my cousin, buying two tickets, two bowls of meatball soup, and two glasses of iced lemon tea. That was all. What else did I buy?

While I was busy thinking, my cousin stepped out of the front door and called the ice cream man. He looked at me and said, “Hey, wanna grab some ice cream? It’s on me.” And I said to myself, “Well it’s free, so why not?” We both picked our ice cream and enjoyed it while we were chilling out in the living room. I asked him “It is strange that you actually treated me ice cream”. He shrugged his shoulder and said “That’s because I got some money in my wallet.” “Where did you get it?” I asked him. He replied, “No idea, man. It was just suddenly there.” “What? Let me see your wallet!” I shouted. Then, I opened it and learned that the wallet was mine. I just remembered that we had the same wallets and they even had the same color. “This is mine,” I told him. “No way! Are you sure?” he asked. I showed him a card from the wallet and said, “Look, this is my student ID card. Just a while ago I was thinking why my money was all gone.” “Sorry, man. I didn’t know that it wasn’t mine. But, don’t worry I haven’t bought anything with that. Only this ice cream,” He explained with an innocent look. I took my wallet and said, “It is okay. I’m sorry you don’t have any cash now. Here, take 20 thousands and buy some more ice cream with it. Oh, and here’s your wallet.”

“Cool! Thanks, man!” he replied.  

Yes, I hate his being careless. Fortunately, he is honest. Well, perhaps that’s why I love him.

1. What made Didi realize about his money?

His cousin did not know why he suddenly had some money in his wallet.

Bila tanggapan panjang: Didi’s cousin did not know why he suddenly had some money in his wallet made Didi realize his money.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Soal & balasan yg berhubungan dgn teks di atas dapat dilihat di https://Wargamasyarakatorg


Detil balasan

Kelas: X

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Keeping A Diary (chapter 11)

Kode: 10.5.11

Kata kunci: answer the following questions briefly, January 27, 2013

task 2 answer the following questions briefly based on the text above what is the passage about​

 Jawab pertanyaan berikut dengan-cara singkat Answer The Following Questions Briefly



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