A. Background of study
By using language, people can communicate between ome amother. It means that language is a means of communication to convey ideas, thought, opinions and feeling. It also used to intreract and to strengthen relatiomship in the society. Now, language has very important role in creating relation with many countres and nation.
English is a foreign language in Indonesia that is taught to the students at schools and universities. In addition, English is very important for its function as language of science. In the global era of sciences and technology, English is also important for information, communication and interaction in teaching learning process.
Word is the smallest element that may be uttered in isolation with semantic or pragmatic content (with literal or practical meaning). This contrasts with a morpheme, which is the smallest unit of meaning but will not necessarily stand on its own. A word may consist of a single morpheme (for example: oh!, rock, red, quick, run, expect), or several (rocks, redness, quickly, running, unexpected), whereas a morpheme may not be able to stand on its own as a word (in the words just mentioned, these are -s, -ness, -ly, -ing, un-, -ed). A complex word will typically include a root and one or more affixes (rock-s, red-ness, quick-ly, run-ning, un-expect-ed), or more than one root in a compound (black-board, rat-race). Words can be put together to build larger elements of language, such as phrases (a red rock), clauses (I threw a rock), and sentences (He threw a rock too but he missed).
Vocabulary is the set of words within a language that are familiar to that person. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning a second language.
Sentence is a combination of two or more words that result in a simpulan understanding and intonation patterns. Sentences can be divided again based on the type and functions that will be described in another section. Examples such as full sentences, incomplete sentences, passive sentences, imperative sentences, compound sentences, and so forth. The following are examples of sentences in general.
The student learn English from primary until university level. They are know about vocabulary but they don’t know how to use it. Because most of them thinking about what the grammar it’s right. They can not identify the event or situasion in the sentence. So in this case I’m as a teacher want to see how the student can speaking well.
B. The identification of the persoalan
In this research, the persoalan can be identified as follows :
- How the student easy to speak using vocabulary in daily activity
- How the student easy difficulties to speak using vocabulary in daily activity
C. Scope and limitation
This research was focused on how to the student speak using vocabulary in daily activity. The limitation of the vocabulary and words.
D. The formulation of the persoalan
The problems of this study re formulated as follows :
- Are the student easy to speak using vocabulary in daily activity ?
- What the difficulties for the student easy to speak using vocabulary in daily activity ?
E. The Objective of the study
The objective of the study are :
- To find out the students’ easy to speak using vocabulary in daily activity
- To find out the difficulties for the students easy to speak using vocabulary in daily activity
F. The significance of the study
Findings of this study are expected to be useful for
- Teacher to design teaching and lerning prosess, especially easy to speak using vocabulary in daily activity
- The student easy to fluent speak using vocabulary in daily activity
A. . Theoretical Framework
1. Description of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of the language aspects which should be learnt.Learning vocabulary is important because we are able to speak, write, and listennicely we have to know vocabulary first. A person said to ‘know ‘ a word if theycan recognize its meaning when they see it (Cameron, 2001: 75). It means that inlearning vocabulary we have to know the meaning of it and also understand andcan use it in sentence context.According to Red John (2000: 16) vocabulary is knowledge involvesknowing the meanings of words and therefore the purpose of a vocabulary test into find out whether the learners can match each word with a synonym, adictionary – tape definition, or an equivalent word in their own language.In learning vocabulary automatically we have to know the meaning of words it self and can use it in sentences. Wilkins (1972: 130) states thatvocabulary learning is learning to discriminate progressing the meaning of wordsin the target language from the meanings of their nearest ‘equivalent’ in themother tongue. It is also learning to make the most appropriate lexical choices for particular linguistic and situational context.
2. Kinds of Vocabulary
Surely, there are some words in a sentence and those collections of wordsinclude to the vocabulary because vocabulary is a list or collections of wordsarranged in alphabetical order and explained. Those words could be Noun whichis usually used as subject or object, Verb or it is usually used as predicate in asentence, Adverbs etc.The sentence may be further divided according to the functions of each wordhas in the subject – predicate relationship – each of these functions is classified asa different part of speech. They are :
1. Noun
It is one of most important part of speech. It is arrangement with theverb helps to form the sentence core which is essential to everycomplete sentence. It could be the name of person, place, thing or idea.Example :
a. It is a magazine
b. There is an umbrella
2. Verb
It is the word which expresses an action or a help to make a statement.Example :
a. Mr. Herman is teachingmathematic.
b. The students are playing football
3. Adjective
It is the word used to qualify noun or pronoun.Example :
a. Mr. Herman is clever
b. This magazine is expensive
4. Adverb
It is a word used for qualifying the meaning of verb, adjective, or another adverb.Example :
a. Mrs. Nurul is teaching in the classroom
b. I go to campus at nine o’clock
5. Conjunction
It is a word used to relate one word to another one, or one sentence toanother one.Example :
a. I have to called him beforeI go.
b. Irma and I are student at untirta.
It is the word which can take the place of a noun.Example :
a. They are my lecture.
b. He goes to office.
7. Interjection
It is a word put into a sentence to express a sudden feeling of mind or emotion
Example :
a.Hurrah!I am the winner.
b.Oh my god, I can’t believe it’s real
Frank, 1972: 1
3. Material of vocabulary
In learning vocabulary, there are some materials that relate withvocabulary like word family, word classes, synonyms, antonyms that can helplearners in comprehending vocabulary deeper.
1.Word Family
Word family is a word is constructed by adding prefix and suffix in baseword or root. In word family, we discuss about affixes. There are two affixes.They are prefix and suffix. Here is the explanation and example both of them.
Prefix is a syllable added at the beginning of words to change their meaning. The words of prefixes are un-, in-, dis-, mis-, re-, pre-, etc. the prefix un-and in-, are the most common negative prefix which both mean not. Prefix mis-,means wrong, pre-, means before, re-, means again, etc. the example words of prefixes are
Words Added prefix Meaning
Popular Unpopular Not popular
Active Inactive Rotactive
Consistent inconsistent Not consistent
Writing Prewriting Before writing
For example in sentence :
He is not popular artist ( without prefix )
He is unpopular artis (adding by prefix un – )
From the example, we can see both of them have similar meaning, but thedifference only in the “popular” word. In the first sentence, the popular word doesnot use prefix but it used to be + Not to express negative meaning. While in thesecond sentence, the popular word is added by prefix un-to express negativemeaning too, the word become unpopular.
1.2 Suffix
Suffix is syllable added at the end of words to change their meaning or their part of speech. The words of suffix are -ment, -ion, -ness, -less, -er/-or, -ist,etc. the suffix –ment, -er /-or, and –ist are changed verb form becomes noun. Theexample is act (Verb) added suffix or becomes actor (Noun), etc. while thesuffixness is used to change adjective form becomes noun. The example is weak (Adj) added suffix ness becomes weakness (Noun). While the suffix less meanswithout. The example words of suffix are :
Word Added suffix
Art Artist
Direct Director
Use Useless
Kind kindness
For example in sentence :
They plays football in the yard (as a verb )
They a good football player (as a noun )
From the example, we can see both of them have differences in the wordclasses. In the first sentence, the word of play without added by suffix and theword class is verb. It describes about what the noun does. While in the secondsentence, the word play is added by suffix –er. So, the word class changes fromverb (play) become noun (player). It indicates noun in the sentence.
4. Teaching vocabulary
In learning, learners must be master in vocabulary. To improve students’vocabulary, teacher taught the vocabulary in the classroom. According to Emerald(1981: 149), there are some steps in teaching and developing vocabulary tostudents :
- Present the word clearly written in a paper or write it on the blackboard.
- Pronounce the world for the child, making sure that he or she looks atthe words as it is pronounced.
- Have the child pronounce the word, a gain making sure that the childlooks at the word when it is pronounced.
- 4.Explain the meaning of the word and present the word in writtensentence context:a.Read the sentence to the students.b.Have the students read the sentence aloud.c.Have the students identify the word, underlined the word and giveits meaning.
- Have the students make a sentence using the word.
- Have the students look at the sentence and read it aloud
- Present the word in isolation again, let the students pronounce it andgive its meaning
5. Tool for developing vocabulary
Dictionary is one of tool for developing vocabulary. It gives theinformation of the meaning of words alphabetically. It can be used as a last resortwhen guessing from context’s strategies fail. But, it can also be used productively, both for generating text and as resources for vocabulary acquisition. Its usefulnessdepends on learners being able to access the information they contain bothspeedily and accurately. There are some key skills in using dictionary effectively :
1.Recognizing feature of dictionary layout, such as use of alphabeticalorder, hard words, grammar and pronunciation information, definition,etc
2.Discriminating between the different meanings of words.
3.Cross-checking (when using the bilingual dictionary) that thetranslation equivalent that is offered is the best choice for the meaningthat is required.
4.Using synonyms, antonyms and other information to narrow the choiceof best words for the meaning intended.5.Inferring the spelling of an unfamiliar word from only having heard it,in order to check its meaning in the dictionary.
6. Mastery of students’ vocabulary
In learning vocabulary, people will experience development each year appropriate with their age. According to Richard (1989: 177) for native speakersof language, they continue to expand their vocabulary in adulthood. In social roleand mode of discourse taking place in adulthood, in vocabulary there is continueddevelopment beyond the childhood years with adults constantly adding new wordsto their vocabulary through reading, occupation, and other activities.
The primary period for conceptual development, however, is early childhood Measurement of vocabulary knowledge is difficult and it is onlyapproximately. According to Watts (1994) suggest that the average child enterselementary school with a recognition vocabulary of 2.000 words, that at age 7 thishas reached some 7.000 words, so at age 14, the child should be able to recognize14.000 words. According to Mackey (1965: 173) the vocabulary of adults has been variously estimated at between 10.000 words for non-academic adult to over 150.000 for a professional scientist. College students are estimated to understandsome 60.000 to 100.000 words. Berry estimates that for spoken English the average person speaking on a telephone makes use of a vocabulary of only some2.000 words (Mackey, 1965).Meanwhile, for Indonesian learners who learn English as one of foreignlanguage that is taught in school, they have limited words or vocabulary that theynow or understand of the language. So, they experience low development inexpanding the vocabularies.
B. Conceptual Framework
Vocabulary is one important aspect in learning a foreign language.Without a proportional amount of vocabulary anyone will get trouble in her speaking, reading, listening, and writing. Without a shred of doubt, the writer said that the acquisition of vocabulary would help people in gaining, understanding, and also enhancing the process of knowledgeable transfered for a better life. Indisputably the chances for progress or success in any kind of fields, like computers, technology, economy, politics, tourism, and educational increase withthe size and applications of vocabulary.
A. Location and time
This research was conducted at Sekolah Menengan Atas Kemala Bhayangkari – 2 Rantauprpat, Jl cik ditiro. The reason to choose this schools location of research was term of accessibility and the same research is to collect data. This research was carried out the eleven level class of 2010/2011.
B. Population and sample
The population of the research was at the eleven level class of Sekolah Menengan Atas Kemala Bhayangkari – 2 Rantauprapat at 2010/2011 academic year. The total of population was 90 studnts, which consisted of two classes.whereas class X a was 45 students and class X b was 45 student.
Based on Arikunto (2006 : 134) if the population consist less than 100, it is better taken all of the students as a samples, so this research will be more accurate. But if the population consist of more than 100. The sample can be taken between 10 – 15 % or 20 – 25 % of population or more. It depend on time, energy and fund.
C. Research design
Descriptive quantitative method was used in the research. This method useful for identifying how the student to easy speak using vocabulary.
D. Instrument of Research
The data will be collected through a test. The test will be in form of written test, they are objective and essay test. There are pre-test and post-test. The test is arranged according to the material given and give they recitation for adding vocabulary every day.
E. Technique of Data Collection
To collect the data of this research, the researcher was used the steps :
1. Give the test to the students.
2. Ask the student to what the vocabulary that they have
3. scoring the students answer.
To score who has a lot of knowing vocabulary I willl give maximal score.
4. Calculating the mean of the score
Where :
X = Mean
∑ xi = Total of the students’ score
n = total of the students’
F. Technique of Data Analysis
In analyzing the data, descriptive technique was used in this technique the students’s ability\y was analyzed based on following stages :
1. counting of the percentage of the students’ score
2. Calculating the percentage of the students’ tha have many vocabulary

Where :
Q = percentage of the students’ that can and can’t
x = The total of students’ can and can’t
y = Number of students’
3. Determining the students’ difficulties by using the following criteria.
Hamalik in Cokro Aminoto (2010: 30) says that the students is stated as able when she or he is able to answer more than 65% namely :
Criteria of Ability
90% – 100%
80% – 89%
Very Good
65% – 79%
55% – 64%
Very Poor
Therefore, those who gets the status good or above then stated as able. Whereas, those get status poor and very poor then stated as unable.