√ Materi Tenses: Past Perfect Tense

Materi Tenses: Past Perfect Tense – Past perfect tense digunakan untuk merujuk pada insiden/acara yang terjadi sebelum waktu lampau. Past perfect tense digunakan untuk memperjelas bahwa ada acara yang terjadi sebelum kegiiatan lain di waktu lampau. Kalimat dalam past perfect tense mengindikasikan bahwa program tersebut terjadi lebih dahulu.

Pola dan pola kalimat mulut dalam past perfect tense:

No. Jenis kalimat Pola Contoh Kalimat
1. Affirmative Subject + had + Verb 3 + Object.


I/You/They/We had travelled around the world before I lived in Egypt.


She/he/it had travelled around the world before she lived in Egypt.

2. Negative Subject + had + not + Verb 3 + Object.


I/You/They/We had not watered the orchid when my mother came home yesterday.


She/he/it had not watered the orchid when my mother came home yesterday.

3. Interogative Had+ subject+ been + Ving + Object + ? Had I/You/They/We travelled around the world before you lived in Egypt?


Had She/he/it travelled around the world before she lived in Egypt?

Pola dan pola kalimat nominal dalam past perfect tense:

No. Jenis kalimat Pola Contoh Kalimat
1. Affirmative Subject + had + been + Complement


I/You/They/We had been shy before I met my best friends.


She/he/it had had been shy before I met my best friends.

2. Negative Subject + had + not + been + Complement


I/You/They/We had not been critical before I learnt with my new teacher.


She/he/it had not been critical before I learnt with my new teacher.

3. Interogative Had+ subject+ been  + Complement + ? Had I/You/They/We been shy before you met your best friends?

Had She/he/it been shy before she met your best friends?


Ekspresi waktu dalam past perfect tense:

• Before

• After

• Already

• Never

• Just

• By the time

• As soon as

• For

• Since

• Until

• When

• By

Contoh kalimat past perfect tense:

• She had never met such a good man before she met you.

• They did not keep their promises anymore since they had lost their trust in us.

• Sheyla felt guilty because she had spread a rumour about her boss.

• Had Mimi ever gone to Switzerland before she studied in New York?

• We could understand the story after we had read the review of the novel book.

• Tobi’s cat had never eaten fish before I gave it two weeks ago.

• I was not confident to speak in front of many people before I joined the public speaking course.

• When I came, you had seen me for far a way.

• By the time Pammy completed her master degree, she had lived abroad for over 2 years.

• They looked pale since they had not eaten anything for 2 days.

• After Ledi and Fidi had slept, their mother prepared dinner for her husband.

• Bebi had typed her novel script since 2003 before she decided to change her dream and work as a nurse in a village.

• Jammy had not visited his parent for a year since he was very busy with his work in the city.

• I was not as beautiful as I am now before I had got a treatment from the most famous beauty salon in Jakarta.

Sumber https://www.kakakpintar.id

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