Teladan Outline Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahannya

 teladan outline dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

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contoh outline dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya yang pertama


I. Introduction

Thesis : Interesting of EXO is achievements, unique debut concept, each member’s vocals have their own characteristics, the talents of each member, and their performance or acting.

II. Body : details of why’s people interested of EXO

Supporting idea :

1. The concept of a unique debut

2. EXO achievements

3. The vocal of member

4. The talent of each member

5. Performance and acting

III. Conclusion

Suggestion : People should know what is so interest about exo, the talents of exo members and how they fight to become famous.

Paragraph 1 

EXO is a boy group in South Korea under SM entertainment. EXO is formed from members of two countries – China and Korea – and its members are 12 which debuted on April 8, 2012. EXO debuted by promoting in two countries and became the first South Korean boygroup to use the concept. EXO became a well-known boy group not only in South Korea and undoubtedly its achievements. What’s interesting about EXO is not only its achievements but also its unique debut concept, each member’s vocals have their own characteristics, the talents of each member, and their performance or acting.

Paragraph 2

EXO has a unique debut concept that is that each member has superpowers, there are many opportunities for new concept experiments, but EXO has never overlapped in concepts made since their debut. Since its debut to date, EXO has successfully brought dozens of awards from various prestigious events in South Korea and always managed to win the highest award trophy in every annual awards event. Exo achieved this achievement by having a variety of sound quality so that it is suitable to be aligned with various unique concepts that actually become a isu terkini. In EXO the rapper line consists of Chanyeol, Sehun and Kai and the vocal lines are Chen, Baekhyun, Xiumin, D.O, Lay and Suho, where they all have good and unique sounds. EXO members in addition to talented in the field of music are also involved in acting, which is not only a role in drama but also a famous film. For EXO dance performance, no doubt, all EXO members have extraordinary dance ability, not only powerful, they are also compact in terms of dancing with enough members, they prove their strength in dance that has difficult choreography though.

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EXO’s career journey is still long and there are still many trials and challenges that they will face. People should know that they are not only struggling with handsome capital alone, there are many things that are fought to be as they are now. As fans do not overdo it as EXO and do not care what has become the responsibility, make EXO as entertainment and motivation, then EXO-L (exo fans designation) will also be used as motivation by EXO for the next works.

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2. contoh outline dalam bahasa inggris yang kedua


I. Introduction

Thesis statement:

There are several things that stand out in the typical Padang culinary in the form of rendang, namely in terms of taste, aroma, texture, and coconut milk.

II. Body

Details of typical rendang food.

Supporting ideas:

1. Spicy taste

2. Distinctive aroma

3. The texture of the meat

4. Thick coconut milk.

III. Conclusion


This special rendang food must be maintained so that the value of this distinctive taste does not fade.

Paragraph 1:

 Rendang is one of the culinary specialties of Padang, West Sumatra. This rendang dish is generally served at events , parties and weddings. Many people like rendang because it is dominated by spicy taste, seductive aroma, soft meat texture, and thick coconut milk.

Paragraph 2:

 Rendang has many uniqueness, starting from its spicy taste, dominated by coconut milk which is very thick mixed with natural spices so that it has a very delicious aroma. With the combination of natural ingredients in the rendang, the delicious taste absorbs into the meat. Rendang made from beef that is processed so that it feels soft and delicious. The texture and shape of the meat pieces in the rendang are cut into small squares, so that peoples don’t have trouble chewing the meat.

Paragraph 3:

That’s why rendang is loved by many people, even because it contains natural nutritious spices, rendang has become an international food.Therefore, this special rendang food must be maintained, so that the nutritional value content and the taste of the food do not fade.

  Pengertian Kalimat Conditional,Macam Macam,Rumus, Dan Pola Kalimatnya

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3. pola outline dalam bahasa inggris yang ke 3



Thesis: How Online Learning Influences Student Life during Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia

11.Body: Details effect of online learning

Supporting Ideas:

1. Learning System during Pandemic

2. Positive Sides

3. Negative Sides

111. Conclusion

Suggeation: During the current pandemic,it is important to maintain body immunity,implement health protocol and control the emotional level of each individu to advoid the covid-19 virus

Paragraph 1

March 202p Covid-19 infectious Indonesia and make all of people worry about the virus. Since that the patterns of people’s lives has changed drastically. This pandemic affected many sectors of life like social,economic,education and other. It affects the psychologycial level of each perorangan too. Everyone sholud be accustomed to implementing social distancing and health protocols due to invisible viruses. This pandemic forces each individu to be able to adapt with a new situation that is all within limits and also pandemic influences the students life that study by online learning system

Paragraph 2

Education has changed since Covid-19 spread to Indonesia. The current pandemic has stopped the face-to-face learning that is usually done. now, learning activities are carried out remotely in separate locations utilizing technology. The Ministry of Education and Culture decided to switch learning to cyberspace or use internet-based applications to minimize the physical spread of Covid-19. Now,Students learn to stare at a laptop or handphone screen as conventional learning

Paragraph 3

Distance learning has challenges that require us to be more creative and able to adapt to circumstances. The policy has positive impacts and negative impacts. The resulting positive impacts such as, online learning make students more active and inevitably have to explore technology so they are not left behind, Now students have more time with their families, and also have learning methods that are more flexible and varied than usual.

However, behind that there are also some negative impacts,such as the threat of dropping out of school due to the decline in the family economy, limited technological facilities and internet networks in each area, decreased student learning outcomes, high levels of tertekan and lack of socialization with other friends due to this pandemic. Indeed everyone must try to adapt to the new normal conditions that the Covid 19 pandemic has produced

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4. pola outline dalam bahasa inggris ke 4


I. Introduction 

Thesis : Family disharmony causes many negative effects on the development of child psychology

II. Body : An explanation about why family disharmony can causes negative effect toward child psychological development.

Supporting ideas :

1. The reason why family disharmony happend

2. The reason why it is impacting to child

3. The negative impact toward child psychological 

III. Conclusion

Suggestion : People should know the importance of forming a harmonious environment for the development of good child psychology, especially the family environment.

Paragraph 1 

This world is entering the 21st century where the technological and knowledge are developing faster than we could ever know. But, in this terbaru kala, the mental health issues still become the problems that need to be solve because most people are not aware about this issues caused by social stigma that still attached in the society. The social stigma making the people who are actually having some mental health issues are not having that courage to seek for the help including the children where there like depends on their parents but some parents are not aware enough what happen to child. The primary factor that making the child experience some mental health diagnose is because of their family condition. There are many cases where the child having the disharmonies family end up being diagnose with some mental health issues. It shows that family disharmony causes many negative effects on the development of child psychology.

paragraph 2

Family disharmony could happen because of so many factors, for example the mental condition of individual that unready to build a family which resulting into unhealthy relationship or disharmony families. Some of the family disharmony cases are using violent and harsh word which the child could hear and see it that cause anxiety in the child and they can affect his psychology. These scenes itself could make the child feel terrify and having a great level of anxious which might be witnessed by child. The effects of an experience like this breed of undue anxiety can also affect the child’s thinking and social well-being. This could certainly lead to a childish, arrogant personality because the experiences that had already been traumatic. The effect of these disharmony is that the child may become has not self-confident that the child will be difficult to develop. Furthermore, the effect of these disharmony is that the child can become not easy to believe other people that can affect his social life because the child will tend to be more confined to the environment.

paragraph 3

Therefore, good communication is needed between families so that discord in a family relationship does not occur. In addition, it is important for parents to identify today’s issues of child psychology. In order to avoid that, let people be more concerned about mental health and have more love for themselves.

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5. acuan outline dalam bahasa inggris ke 5


I. Introduction

Thesis Statement: However, many people do not know about the bad effects of


II. Body

cause and effect of overthinking

Supporting Ideas:

1. Factors that cause overthinking

2. The harmful effects of overthinking

III. Conclusion

Suggestion: start to think positively and don’t be afraid to talk to others so that we feel calmer and happier

Paragraph 1

Overthinking is a term for excessive behavior. This can be triggered by current information about anything, from trivial problems in everyday life, major problems, to past syok that makes you unable to stop judging. Therefore this overthinking will certainly affect one’s mindset and behavior. However, many people don’t know about the bad effects of overthinking.

Paragraph 2

Overthinking experienced by many people is not without reason, many factors influence it, among others, we are too afraid of things that haven’t happened even though we haven’t tried it at all. Another factor is the habit of keeping bad feelings to yourself, and not telling friends or parents. Overthinking in us will have a bad impact on health which can lead to stress, decreased immunity, and inflammation of the body on skin health.

Paragraph 3

The bad effects of overthinking are very dangerous for the health of our bodies. Therefore, reflecting on yourself and learning from mistakes will make your mind calmer and avoid the bad effects of overthinking. Start to always see a dilema from the positive side and always try to do anything with all the abilities we have.

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6. pola outline dalam bahasa inggris ke 6


I. Introduction

Thesis: Indonesia should be proud of having Lake Toba, as a beautiful lake and the largest lake in Indonesia and even in Southeast Asia.

II. Body : The things that make Lake Toba an interesting tourist spot.

Supporting ideas:

1. The unique history of Lake Toba

2. Many interesting places in Lake Toba

3. The historical relics on Lake Toba are still well preserved

4. Very diverse activities around Lake Toba

III. Conclusion

Suggestion: The beauty of Lake Toba must be developed so that it becomes a tourist spot with national and international standards.

Paragraph 1

Lake Toba is a beautiful volcanic lake belonging to Indonesia and is located on the island of Sumatra to be precise North Sumatra. Lake Toba is located at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level and has an area of about 1,145 km² and a depth of about 450 m, making it almost like an ocean and is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia and the deepest. . In the world. Lake Toba has amazing natural attractions, a comfortable atmosphere, clear water, and a stunning view with green mountains making Lake Toba so exotic. Indonesia should be proud to have Lake Toba, as a beautiful and widest lake in Indonesia and even in Southeast Asia.

Paragraph 2

Like other areas in Indonesia, Lake Toba also keeps the legend of the origin of the lake. From the folklore that circulates, the formation of Lake Toba is related to the story of the human family and the incarnate daughter of fish. Meanwhile, from scientific studies, Lake Toba is a volcanic lake formed by the eruption of Mount Toba. The eruption resulted in the formation of a giant crater which then filled with water to become the lake it is today. Meanwhile, Samosir Island was formed due to upward pressure by magma that had not yet been released.

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Lake Toba holds millions of natural charms that will never run out to be explored. There are many interesting places around Lake Toba that can be destination destinations, including Sipinsur Tourism Park, which is located in Parulohan Village, Paranginan District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, Holbung Samosir Hill in Harian District, Samosir Regency. Tele Tower of View is one of the places that still exist to be a very amazing spot when traveling to Lake Toba, from this tower we can see the breadth of Lake Toba. Pusuk Buhit as the birthplace of the Batak Tribe. This location is believed by residents to be the birthplace of the Batak King. Around Pusuk Buhit we can also visit Aek Sipitu Dai and Batu Hobon. Lumban Bulbul Beach, located in Balige District, Toba Samosir Regency, and many other interesting places that can be visited.

  5+ Acuan Outline Dan Essay Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahannya

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7. pola outline dalam bahasa inggris ke 7


I.Introduction Paragraph

Thesis Statement: There are various types of bullying, both lisan, physical and cyber bullying

II.Body Paragraph:  Definition of different types of bullying actions

A.Supporting Idea 1: Physical Bullying  

B.Supporting Idea 2: Verbal Bullying

C.Supporting Idea 3: Relational Bullying 

D.Supporting Idea 4: Cyber Bullying 

III. Conclusion 

Sugestion: We should provide understanding and sanctions for bullies and get closer to the victim.

Paragraph 1

Bullying is a term that is familiar to people’s ears. The word bullying comes from the English language, which is from the word root bull which means bull. Bullying is a form of violence that can affect health, psychologically and mentally which is carried out by force. Bullying often occurs in the environment, especially among teenagers or students. It should be noted that bullying cases are one of the world’s spotlight, where the rate of increase in cases continues to increase. There are various types of bullying, both verbal, physical and cyber bullying.

Paragraph 2

There are several types of bullying. Coloroso (2007), bullying is divided into four types, namely physical bullying, ekspresi bullying, relational bullying and cyber bullying. Physical bullying is an act of bullying in the most visible form of physical violence, where the physical bullying can be in the form of hitting, strangling, elbowing, kicking the bullying victim. Verbal bullying is bullying violence that most often occurs around the environment in the form of slander, insults, insults, and other lisan crimes that can cause someone to be injured. Relational bullying is bullying which is almost the same as lisan bullying. However, relational bullying is oppression of someone by mocking, avoiding and taking actions that can make someone feel isolated in their environment. Meanwhile, cyber bullying is an act of bullying that is carried out by sending blasphemous messages or blaspheming someone through social media or the internet. 

Paragraph 3

There are many things that can be done to prevent and overcome the occurrence of bullying around. Where, the thing that can be done is to sanction and provide understanding to the perpetrators of bullying. As for the victims of bullying that can be done is to get closer and provide support for the humiliation he experienced. Let’s stop bullying together.

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8. pola outline dalam bahasa inggris ke 8


I. Introduction

Thesis statment:

Here are some unique and interesting facts that maybe not many people know about Manchester united football club

II. Body:

know more unique facts about Manchester united football club

Supporting ideas :

1. Have won more trophies than any other club in English football

2. Ever had the greatest trainer that is Sir Alex ferguson

3. The biggest club in English and the world

4. Spawned many football legends

III. Conclusion

Restatement: the successful and influence of Manchester United in field of football

Paragraph 1

Who doesn’t know the red devil from manchester ?. Yes, it is Manchester United, that is the real name or commonly called the Reds Devil. It is the best and greatest club ever. With the extraordinary achievements Manchester United has achieved in his career in football, making him one of the most influential clubs in the field of football. Many people know and idolize Manchester United. But many also don’t know unique and interesting facts about Manchester United. Here are some unique and interesting facts that many people may not know about Manchester United.

Paragraph 2

Manchester united has won more trophies than any other club in english football. Because of this, Manchester United has a lot of fans. Apart from winning many trophies, Manchester United has also been coached by the world’s best coach, Sir Alex Ferguson. The presence of Sir Alex Ferguson had a tremendous impact. Thus making Manchester United the biggest football club in England and the world. Apart from the two factors above, Manchester United also has an influence on young players. thus making spawned many legends manchester united football.

Paragraph 3

In conclusion, Manchester United is the largest football club in England and the world. thus making a huge impact on football. What are the things that make people like Manchester United? In addition to winning many trophies, Manchester United also gave birth to many world football legends. That’s what makes Manchester United liked by many people.

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