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Suatu kalimat dibuat oleh beberapa kata. Kata merupakan kepingan paling mendasar yg berarti, fungsi, & kegunaannya masing-masing dlm suatu kalimat. Dalam bahasa Inggris, setiap kata dikelompokkan ke dlm 8 (delapan) macam part of speech sebagai berikut:
- Noun (Kata Benda)
Part of speech ini berfungsi untuk menamai orang, kawasan, benda, atau ilham. Umumnya, noun didahului oleh partikel a, an,dan the. Noun pula mampu berupa singular atau plural dan konkrit atau absurd. Dalam suatu kalimat, noun mampu berfungsi selaku subjek, objek pribadi, objek tak eksklusif, embel-embel subjek, atau objek dr suatu preposisi.
The teacher brought some foods for the class because all students in the class passes the final exam.
- Pronoun (Kata Ganti Benda)
Part of speech ini digunakan sebagai kata ganti noun dalam sebuah kalimat. Pronoun umumnya berfungsi semoga tak terjadi pengulangan kata yang mampu menghasilkan kalimat yg panjang & tak lazim.
Kalimat tanpa Pronoun | Kalimat dgn Pronoun |
Beyonce held a concert last week in Jakarta. Although Beyonce felt exhausted due to long flight, Beyonce was still very excited to visit Jakarta for the first time. Nevertheless, Beyonce promised to visit Jakarta again when Beyonce had the opportunity. | Beyonce held a concert last week in Jakarta. Although she felt exhausted due to long flight, she was still very excited to visit Jakarta for the first time. Nevertheless, she promised to visit Jakarta again when she had the opportunity. |
Dari pola di atas, noun yaitu Beyonce & pronoun yg menggantikannya adalah she. Noun yg digantikan oleh sebuah pronoun disebut antecedent.
Terdapat 6 (enam) jenis pronoun:
Personal pronoun
Sebagai pengganti orang, kawasan, atau benda dengan-cara spesifik. |
I, you, we, they, he, she, it,
Me, you, us, them, him, her, it. |
Indefinite Pronoun
Sebagai pengganti orang, tempat, atau benda dengan-cara biasa . |
Anyone, anything, nobody, nothing, another, each, any, both, few many, several, etc. |
Possesive Pronoun
Sebagai pengganti benda kepunyaan. |
Mine, ours, yours, his, hers, theirs. |
Reflexive Pronoun
Sebagai penekanan independensi aksi. |
Myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves. |
Relative Pronoun
Untuk memulai suatu klausa yg mengacu pada kata benda dlm suatu kalimat. |
That, who, which, whom, what, whose, whoever, whomever, whose. |
Demonstrative Pronoun
Untuk mengindikasikan orang, kawasan, atau benda spesifik. |
This, that, these, those. |
- Verb (Kata Kerja)
Part of speech bentuk ini wajib ada dlm sebuah kalimat untuk menunjukkan apa yg subjek kerjakan atau apa subjek itu sendiri. Terdapat tiga jenis verb, yakni:
Action Verb
Untuk menunjukkan apa yg sedang subjek lakukan (what the subject does) yg mampu berupa agresi fisik atau mental. |
Make, create, eat, push, realize, think, etc.
Aksi fisik She eates yogurt every morning. Aksi mental: They realize that it is impossible to go out tonight due to heavy rain. |
Linking Verb
Untuk memperlihatkan apa sebuah subjek itu sendiri (what the subject is) dibandingkan apa yg subjek lakukan (what the subject does). To be tergolong dlm linking verb. Selain itu, terdapat pula linking verb yg berguna untuk mengekspresikan lima indera kita, yg esensinya mempunyai fungsi yg sama dgn to be. |
Contoh: Audry is proud of her achievements. Seem, look, feel, taste, sound, appear. Contoh: Audry feels proud of her achievements. Become, remain, grow Contoh: Audry becomes proud of her achievements. |
Helping Verb
Muncul dgn verb utama untuk memperlihatkan makna yg lebih terperinci. Biasanya diharapkan dlm tenses selain simple present atau simple past. |
Have, has, had
Contoh: They have greeted us. To be: am, are, is, was, were, been Contoh: She is working on a special project. Do, does, did Contoh: He certainly does enjoy playing game. Will, shall Contoh: We will endure this hardships. Would, could, should, can, may, might, used to, have to, must, etc. Contoh: I should work harder. |
- Adjective (Kata Sifat)
Adalah sebuah kata yg dipakai untuk menggambarkan atau memodifikasi noun atau pronoun. Biasanya terletak sebelum noun atau pronoun. Namun, dapat pula terletak sehabis linking verb yg berhubungan dgn indera (seem, taste). Untuk satu noun atau pronoun, dapat terdapat lebih dr satu adjective.
Contoh part of speech bentuk ini: old, young, smart, yellow,
The young man lives in an old house. Everyday, he rides his yellow bicycle to go to his school which is full of smart people.
Adalah part of speech yg biasanya digunakan untuk menggambarkan atau memodifikasi suatu kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective), atau adverb yang lain. Namun, tak pernah mendeskripsikan suatu kata benda (noun). Biasanya menjawab pertanyaan how, when, where, why, under what conditions, atau to what degree. Biasanya suatu adjective yg berakhir dgn partikel –ly, seperti deeply, extremely, happily, fairly, etc. Tetapi, terdapat pula adverb yg tak berasal dr adjective mirip very, somewhat,only, quite, etc.
Adverb memodifikasi verb | They walk quickly but orderly in the field.
She ended her relationship amicably. |
Adverb memodifikasi adjective | We were extremely happy to hear it.
Parents are often neglected by their children when the children are very busy. |
Adverb memodifikasi adverb yang lain | My mother drives very carefully and it is somewhat frustrating to wacth. |
- Preposition (Preposisi)
Adalah suatu part of speech yg berada sebelum noun atau pronoun untuk membentuk sebuah frasa yg memodifikasi kata yang lain dlm suatu kalimat. Oleh alasannya adalah itu, preposisi selalu menjadi pecahan dr suatu frasa preposisi. Hampir selalu berfungsi selaku adjective atau adverb.
Beberapa teladan preposisi yakni sebagai berikut:
Above Across After Against Along Among Around As At Before behind |
Beneath Beside Between Beyond By Down During Except For From in |
Inside Like near Of Off Out On Outside Over Past Through Throughout |
Toward Under Undeneath Unlike Until Up Upon With Within Without Etc. |
The fight broke out during the lunch.
The book is on the table.
She went to cinema with her parents.
- Conjunction (Kata Penghubung)
Part of speech yg ini berfungsi untuk menghubungkan kata, frasa, atau klausa & pula untuk menunjukkan hubungan antara elemen kalimat yg dihubungkan. Terdapat beberapa macam conjunction, yakni:
Coordinating Conjuction
Untuk menghubungkan elemen dgn ciri grammar yg setara. |
For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
Contoh: Reading and writing are the two activities I like the most. (Reading & writing adalah gerund) |
Correlative Conjunction
Untuk menghubungkan elemen dgn ciri grammar yg setara namun katanya senantiasa berpasangan. |
As…as, both…and, not only…but also, either…or, neither…nor, whether…or
Contoh: We must finish the task as soon as possible. |
Subordinating Conjunction
Untuk menghubungkan subordinate clause & independent clause. |
After, although, as, because, whereas, unless, if, in order that, since, until, where, etc.
Contoh: Although it seems hard, we should keep trying to achieve our goals. |
Adverbial Conjunction
Untuk mengindikasikan kekerabatan antara kalimat (sentence) & independent clause. |
Moreover, furthermorem nevertheless, however, therefore, etc.
Contoh: Coffee can be used to keep awake. However, overconsumption is not good for our health. |
- Interjection
Part of speech bentuk ini yaitu kata yg digunakan untuk mengekspresikan tingkat emosi yg berlawanan. Secara tata bahasa, biasanya dilihat selaku kepingan yg tak terkait dgn kalimat utama.
Berdiri sendiri & disertai dgn tanda seru. | Oh!, Wow!, Oops!
Contoh: Wow! The scenery is truly magnificent. |
Kadang dimasukkan dlm kalimat namun disertai oleh tanda koma. | Contoh:
Well, it is nothing to be worried about. |
Butte College. (n.d.). Retrieved December 20, 2016 from butte.edu/departments/cas/tipsheets/grammar/parts_of_speech.html
Materi mencar ilmu: Part of Speech
Kontributor: Siti Sarah Safira
Alumni Sastra Inggris UI