In Order To Keep Up With The Demand For Electrical Power, We Must Install Another Line Into The Building​

in order to keep up with the demand for electrical power, we must install another line into the building​

Apa pertanyaannya bos!

arti soal : Untuk menyanggupi tegangangan listrik, kita harus memasang terusan lain ke dlm gedung

#Ayo Jadi Juara :)

The announcement is about? *

A. A serious power shortage in the city

B. The high demand for electrical power

C. The extremely cold weather in the city

D. The need to turn off all unnecessary appliances

E. The demand to postpone energy-consuming tasks​




sory kalo salah jadikan tanggapan tercerdas ya


We must decrease the use of electrical power … high demand of it​


In spite of


high demand of it = permintaan tinggi / yg sangat diperlukan

in spite of = meskipun

maaf kalau salah

ANNOUNCEMENT Because of the high demand for electrical power due to extremely cold weather, the city is facing a serious power shortage. We are asking residents to help us avoid this situation. Please reduce your power consumption as much as possible. Lower household heat to sixty degrees. Turn of all unnecessary appliances. Postpone energy-consuming tasks such as doing the laundry. The announcement is about ….. a serious power shortage in the city the high demand for electrical power the extremely cold weather in the city the need to turn off all unnecessary appliances the demand to postpone energy-consuming tasks

describe. maaf kalo salah

2. The city is having a serious power shortage due to… *
A. the extreme cold weather.
B. the high supply of electrical power.
C. the high demand of electrical power.
D. the residents’ daily consumption.
E. the unnecessary appliances​


A. the extreme cold weather


2. Kota ini mengalami kekurangan listrik yg serius karena …..

A. cuaca dingin yg ekstrem.