Change The Following Sentences Into Indirect Speech​

Change the following sentences into Indirect speech​

Change the following sentences into Indirect speech​


1. The servant said that let him go now

2. The teacher said that open your book to his students

3.  He said that be quiet and listen to his words to his student

4. He said to his teacher for re-explaining that question to him

5. the teacher said that Rakesh should read a bit loudly

6. The student said for letting him go home to his teacher

7. The leader said to his boys for voting him in the forthcoming elections

8. The old beggar said to somebody for bringing him some food.


Dalam indirect speech, kita dapat menggunakan kreativitas untuk menambahkan keterangan yg menjadi pelengkap dr kalimat direct. Kita pula dapat menggunakan beberapa kata penghubung agar kalimat indirect terdengar alami & tak kaku. Jangan lupa untuk memperhatikan verb yg digunakan untuk melengkapi jawaban.

change the following sentences into indirect speech

change the following sentences into indirect speech 1. Yesterday Nanang helped Roy to fix his car.
2. Tina is afraid now.
3. Dewi has bought hand and body lotion.
4. he said that he will visit that person next week
5. Lita’s sister doesn’t do her homework

begitu bukan?

Change the following sentences into Indirect speech​

Change the following sentences into Indirect speech​

1. His brother said to me that his wallet has been stolen

  Pls D Jwb

2. She said that we must not play near the road

3. You said to me that you will write the letter

4. You said to her that she is wrong

5. Lalit said to me that I play football well

6.  Ramesh said to Suresh that he has to do exercise daily

7. Sharmila said to Urmilla that she have not taken the dog for a walk

8. He said to her that she is an intelligent girl

9. Shashi said to me that I sang well

10. He said to me that I had to wear red coat tomorrow

11. She said to me that my ring was lost

12. I said to him that I had called him many times

change the following sentences into indirect speech (kalimat tdk langsung)

change the following sentences into indirect speech (kalimat tdk langsung)



1. She said she will invite you to her birthday party

2. He asked if you speak Sundanese

3. My new classmate asked me where i’m from

4. The teacher told me to open my notebook

5. The officer told us to not park here.

change the following sentences into indirect speech​

change the following sentences into indirect speech​

he will study the book,she will be waiting for him,they are enjoying the weather,gw writes a lovely poem,they love their village and its scenery,she is not laughing, he has started a new duty,.its has been raining for five days .