6+ Heartfelt Islamic Condolence Messages For Muslims

As Muslims, nosotros should outset off alongside the poesy ‘Inna Lillaahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’oun‘ from Surah Baraqah Chapter ii Verse 156, which translate to “We for certain belong to Allah and to Him nosotros shall return.” We tin can and so, add on a condolence message to tag along alongside it:

ane. May Allah s.w.t. grant yous and your family unit sabr (sabar) inward this difficult fourth dimension, together with advantage yous alongside Khair both in this Earth as well as the side by side. Ameen.

2. May Allah s.w.t. grant him/her Jannatul-Firdaus as well as forgive his/her sins. May He make his/her grave a place of comfort as well as lite. Ameen.

three. May Allah second.w.t. raise your recompense and be generous in your calamity together with forgive the deceased and make you lot alongside patience too multiply for us and for you lot recompense through patience.

4. It is Allah’s that takes together with it is He that gives, in addition to He prescribes a sure destiny for every thing.

v. May Almighty Allah dwell him inward Jannataul-Firdaus, the nigh beautiful paradise.

half-dozen. May Allah sec.w.t. inward his mercy, grant him residue, may his grave be a function of Jannatul Firdaus and an dwelling of light. May Allah make him overstep successfully inwards all the stages of the life later on decease. Ameen.

  10 Imam Ghazali Quotes That Every Muslim Should Know