6+ Acuan Outline Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahannya

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6+ pola outline dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya

contoh outline dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya yang pertama

 I. Introduction

Thesis statment: The History of Heavy Metal from Resistance to Angry Lyrics

II. Body

early history of heavy metal music and furious lyrics

Supporting ideas: 

1. The beginning of heavy metal music

2. Cause for angry lyrics

III. Conclusion

The main duduk perkara of the angry lyrics

Paragrahp 1

It all started from England, to be precise in the late 1960s and early 1970s. At that time, the economic boom in the country of Elizabeth after the second world war began to end. This period of economic decline continued into the early 1980s, which was marked by rising unemployment, inflation and labor strikes. 

Paragraph 2

David Cope, in his book New Direction of Music (1978) wrote, “the prospect of dead-end work and boring school seems to inspire an angry style of music.” Cope’s “angry music” refers to heavy metal, in which he ranks Black Sabbath, as a bunch of “angry” working youths.

Paragraph 3

The sound of the guitar that sounds “darker” is a characteristic of the heavy metal music genre, which is actually inseparable from the experience of the guitarist, Tomy Iommi. However, it should be noted, it is not only the heavy sound of the guitar that characterizes heavy metal music. Angry, anti-establishment, and defiant lyrics also dominate this genre in a distinctive way.

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pola outline dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya yang kedua



Thesis Statement: English as Indonesia’s second language to make every gen Alpha become bilingual

II.Body: Reasons why Language is an important thing, especially English

Supporting Ideas:

1.English is the language of International Communication

2.Language we have to learn besides Indonesian

3.Learning English gives us more access to the internet

4.Benefits of being bilingual


Suggestion : Indonesia’s government have to establish English as Indonesia’s second language In order to make Indonesia’s youth be able competiting on the International scene or they just be able to make some regulations, like students have to speak English in their school area.

Paragraph 1

language is a system of communication which consists of a set of sounds and written symbols which are used by the people of a particular country or region for talking or writing. In Indonesia, we have Bahasa Indonesia as our national language, but there are so many students still not be able to speak other languages, which is important for further. That’s why from now on Indonesia government have to establish English as Indonesia’s second language to make every Gen alpha be bilingual.

Paragraph 2

English is the language of international communication now, thats why we have to be able to speaking English in this masa, and then if we can speaking English we will be making friends with people from lots of different countries. English and Mandarin Chinese are the most spoken languages in this world right now, which mean those are the best options to learn, anywhere whenever you use both English or Mandarin to the country you’re visiting, you won’t have any difficulties to communicate with them. English is currently the language of the internet, which mean learning this language gives us access to overhalf the content of the internet, which might not be available otherwise. And then there benefits of being bilingual, like enchanced our communication skills, Increase career opportunities, sharpen our minds, increase networking skills, give us new perspectives, etc.

  5+ Acuan Outline Dan Essay Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahannya

Paragraph 3

That’s why once we master international language its gonna be give us many benefits. So that we have to learn it before its late. Therefore Indonesia’s government have to establish English as Indonesia’s second language In order to make Indonesia’s youth be able competiting on the International scene or they just be able to make some regulations, like students have to speak English in their school area.

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contoh outline dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya yang ke tiga


I. Introductions

        Thesis : There’s many Indonesian people that do not know much about Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat even though it is one of Indonesian historical building

II. Body : Details about Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat

1. Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat’s Architecture

2. Performances on Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat

3. Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat’s Symbolism

4. Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat as the second pit stop in The Amazing Race 19

III. Conclusion

         Suggestion : Indonesian people must know more facts about Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat and should be maintaned so it’s building does not damaged and ruined.

Paragraph 1

Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat is a palace locatednin the city of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Special Region, Indonesia. Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat was built in 1755–1756 for Hamengkubuwono 1, the first Sultan of Yogyakarta. Indonesian people should know what is inside and more facts about Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. Because there’s many Indonesian people that do not know much about Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat even though it is one of Indonesian historical building.

Paragraph 2

The palace’s chief architect was Sultan Hamengkubuwono I, who founded the Yogyakarta Sultanate. The complex of Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat consists of a courtyard covered with sand from the south coast, a main building and a secondary building. The palace hosts gamelan (traditional music), Javanese dance, macapat (poetry), and wayang (shadow puppetry) performances. A ‘Kraton’ is a palace. Keraton means the living quarters of the royal family. The other facts that many Indonesian people don’t know is Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat was the second Pit Stop in The Amazing Race 19.

Paragraph 3

As Indonesian people, we should know more about Indonesian history, especially historical building such as Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. The purpose of knowing Indonesian historical building not just for increase the history’s knowledge. Also for maintain the building so it does not damaged and ruined. So, if not us as Indonesian people maintain and take care Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, who else will?

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contoh outline dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya yang ke empat

The Negative Impact of Internet Use Among Adolescents


I. Introduction

Thesis: This happens because of the large number of negative content circulating freely without age restrictions and the lack of special parental supervision of the sites accessed by children.

II. Body: An explanation of the processes and changes that adolescents experience as a result of negative internet use

1. Supporting factors for internet abuse among adolescents

2. Negative impact

  Pengertian Kalimat Conditional,Macam Macam,Rumus, Dan Pola Kalimatnya

3. Changes in adolescent behavior after using the internet negatively

III. Conclusion

A statement regarding the actions parents and children should take in reducing the negative impact of internet use so that deviant behavior does not occur

Paragraph 1

The internet is a communication network that functions to connect one electronic media with other electronic media which is done quickly and accurately. In the past, the internet can only be accessed by certain agencies or institutions, but over time, the internet has been accessible to various people around the world anywhere. This resulted in children and underage youth participating as internet users. With the use of the internet among the underage, many teenagers use it for things that are not feasible. This happens because of the large number of negative content circulating freely without age restrictions and the lack of special parental supervision of the sites accessed by children.

Paragraph 2

Generally, teenagers use the internet negatively when they feel alone which then the teenager tries to open inappropriate sites. At first they just tried, but over time they became addicted to inappropriate content. This has a negative impact on adolescents. Among them, he will be lazy to learn because he is more interested in viewing adult content. In addition to being lazy to learn, the teenager’s brain becomes unstable again and it is difficult to think clearly because they have listened to the negative content. This is a fatal consequence of addiction to inappropriate content. His behavior will also change, especially in speaking, he will find it easier and often say dirty words to his friends and people who are older than him.

Paragraph 3

Therefore, it is necessary to have sufficient supervision and attention from parents to their children in using the internet so that they can continue to make the best use of existing technology. And for adolescents, start fostering a wise attitude in using the internet by accessing sites that are age-appropriate to avoid deviant behavior.

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teladan outline dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya yang ke lima



Thesis: West Lampung has many interesting things to offer to enjoy, starting from a very beautiful nature and a very unique culture

II. Body : Details about West Lampung

Supporting ideas :

1. Nature of West Lampung

2. Culture of West Lampung

3. The uniqueness of West Lampung

III. Conclusion

People should try to visit West Lampung because West Lampung has many things to offer and they will not regret it.

Paragraph 1

West Lampung Regency is one of the districts in the province of Lampung, Indonesia. The district capital is located in Liwa. This district was formed based on Law Number 6 of 1991 dated August 16, 1991 which was the result of the division of North Lampung Regency. West Lampung is dominated by hills and mountains which belong to the southern hillside national park area. West Lampung has a lot of tourism potential. Because West Lampung has many interesting things to offer to enjoy, starting from a very beautiful nature and a very unique culture.

Paragraph 2

West Lampung has a very beautiful nature. So if someone wants to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature they can come to West Lampung. Tourist can enjoy the lake atmosphere and play with water in lake ranau and suoh where they can swim, fishing and there are many interesting activities that can be done in there. And if they want to go rafting they can go to way besai river. Or if they want to enjoy the sunrise and see the world from a height they can go to Mount Seminung and Mount pesagi which provides an exciting experience in climbing. 

  Teladan Outline Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Terjemahannya

Paragraph 3

Apart from its beautiful nature, West Lampung also has a unique tradition, one of which is the Sekura tradition. Sekura is a routine event held by the people of West Lampung Regency. This people’s party is always held when welcoming Eid al-Fitr. In this event, event participants are required to wear masks with various characters and expressions. Sekura party is an expression of gratitude and joy in welcoming a holy day. In Sekura, various groups are actively involved and mingle to build togetherness.

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acuan outline dalam bahasa inggris dan terjemahannya yang ke enam



Title: About Kim Jong un

II.Body: fun fact about Kim Jong Un

Support Ideas:

1.He has a private bathroom that can be carried anywhere

2.Kim Jong Un is known for his cruelty and assertiveness in his leadership

3.Kim Jong Un is that he loves basketball and idolizes Michael Jordan

4.he also likes footsteps song.


Re-Statement and Prediction of Kim Jong Un in future

Paragraph 1

Kim Jong un is a supreme leader in north Korea. he was born in 3 January, years he born is unknow, some people say its 1982, 1983, 1984 but no one know exactly years he was born. However North Korean authorities and state-run media have stated that Kim’s date of birth is January 8, 1982. His father is 2nd president Korea who name is Kim Jong il, and Kim Jong un is grandchild of Kim il sung who is first president of North Korea. Kim Jong Un has been president of North Korea since his father’s death in 2011. There are some about Kim Jong Un.

Paragraph 2

Kim Jong Un is known for his cruelty and assertiveness in his leadership, he once executed his own uncle because there was information that his uncle wanted to stage a coup, and planned a rebellion. he also strictly prohibits corruption and will punish the perpetrators of corruption. Kim Jong Un is also very careful that he often brings a private bathroom for fear of other people knowing his health condition from his feces. Another unique fact of Kim Jong Un is that he loves basketball and idolizes Michael Jordan, one of the famous basketball players. he also likes footsteps song. The song contains the propaganda of the Soviet Union.

Paragraph 3

Kim Jong Un is a leader who is known to be very cruel and stern, but actually he also has a good side, and is loved by his people. He inherited North Korean leadership from his late father Kim Jong Il in 2011. Perhaps in the future North Korean leadership will be passed on to Kim Jong Un’s younger sister named Kim Yo-Jong. Because until now he has not been rumored to have a son who will continue his leadership.

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