1. Who Were Involved In The Event?

1. Who were involved in the event?

2. Web and where did the event happen?

3. What were the aktivities (events) that happened

1. Siapa yg terlibat dlm acara?
2. Web & di mana program yg terjadi?
3. Apa yg aktivities ( insiden ) yg terjadi

can you discribe the events that happened in the text

where is the text? how can describe text??

please you write three sentences by using WAS and WERE to express the events that happened.​


I was playing baseball yesterday with all my friends

they were cooking instant noodle last night

teladan kalimat sederhana saja ya

what were the activities (events) that happened


Chirsmas. opening present

Helloween. trick a treat

happy new year. celebert at 00.00am


maaf jika salah

artinya1.who were involved in the event? 2.when & where didi the event happen? 3.what were tbe avtivities (events) that happned?

1. yg terlibat dlm program tersebut

2. kapan & di mana peristiwa itu terjadi

3. apa saja kegiatan (insiden) yg terjadi

biar menolong maaf kalau salah

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