√ Soal-Soal Kalimat Aktif Pasif Bahasa Inggris Jawabannya

Soal-Soal Kalimat Aktif & Pasif Bahasa Inggris & Jawabannya – Struktur kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris kebanyakan hampir sama dengan struktur kalimat dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Begitu pun halnya jenis kalimat. Seperti halnya dalam Bahasa Indonesia, dalam Bahasa Inggris terdapat kalimat aktif dan pasif. Berikut kami suguhkan soal-soal perihal kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta jawabannya.

Soal Kalimat Pasif

Change these sentences into passive forms!

Exercise I


Somebody stole my bag in the shop. My bag was stolen in the shop.

The police has arrested three men. Three men have been arrested by the police.

1. The bill includes service. Service is … in the bill.

2. People do not usethis road very often. This road …

3. They cancelled all flights because of fog. All flights …

4. Somebody accused me of stealing the money. I …

5. They are building a new ring-road round the city. A new ring-road …

6. I did not realise that someone was recording our conversation. I did not realise that our conversation …

7. They have changed the date of the meeting. The date of the meeting …

8. Brian told me that somebody had attacked and robbed him in the street. Brian told me that he …

9. Millions of people watch a very popular television programme every week. Every week, a very popular television programme …

10. The government export the cars which are produced in this factory. The cars which are produced in this factory …

  Soal Vektor

Exercise II


A: Is Ashley popular?

B: Yes. (she / like / by everyone). She is liked by everyone.

1. A: Was there any trouble at the demonstration?

B: Yes. (about 20 people / arrest) ……………………………………………………. .

2. A: There is no longer military service in Britain.

B: Really? (when / it / abolish?) …………………………………………………….. .

3. A: Did anybody call an ambulance to the scene of the accident?

B: Yes. (but nobody / injured / so it / not / need) …………………………………………………… .

4. A: Last night someone broke into our house.

B: Oh, dear. (anything / take?) ………………………………………………….. .

5. A: Why can’t Mr. Kelly use his office at the moment?

B: (it / redecorate) …………………………………………….. .

Soal Kalimat Aktif

Change these sentences into active forms!


This room is cleaned every day by somebody. Somebody cleans this room every day.

The TV jadwal is being watched by me at the moment. I am watching a TV jadwal at the moment.

1. The homework is being done by my sister in her room. My sister … .

2. The eggs were cooked by my father yesterday morning. My father … .

3. Dinda was asked by her teacher to copy a book for her classmates. A teacher … .

4. Some flowers are being planted by me in front of my house. I … .

5. A cute little puppy is bought by a big guy at pet shop. A big guy … .

6. Fiction novels are read by many students of this school. Many students … .

7. Two meetings are cancelled today by the manager due to his bad condition. The manager … .

  √ Soal Biologi Kelas 12 Ihwal Dna , Rna, Sintesis Protein

8. Some motorcycles were sold by someone with a black hat. Someone with a black hat … .

9. A cup of fruit salad is being eaten by a cute little girl. A cute little girl … .

10. My room was painted by my best friend a couple of days ago. My best friend … .


Kunci Jawaban:

Soal Kalimat Pasif

Exercise I:

1. is included

2. is not used very often

3. were canceled because of fog

4. was accused by somebody of stealing the money

5. is being built round the city

6. was being recorded by someone

7. has been changed by them

8. had been attacked and robbed in the street

9. is watched by millions of people

10. were exported by the government

Exercise II:

1. about 20 people were arrested

2. when was it abolished?

3. but nobody was injured so it was not needed

4. anything was taken?

5. it is redecorated

Soal Kalimat Aktif

1. is doing the homework in her room

2. cooked the eggs yesterday morning

3. asked Dinda to copy a book for her classmates

4. am planting some flowers in front of my house

5. buys a cute little puppy at pet shop

6. many students of this school read fiction novels

7. cancels two meetings today due to his bad condition

8. sells some motorcycles

9. is eating a cup of fruit salad

10. painted my room a couple of days ago

Demikianlah soal-soal kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat bagi kalian semua!

  Latihan Soal Ski Seputar Kh Ahmad Dahlan Dan Kh Hasyim Asy'ari

Baca Juga:

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 2 & Kunci Jawaban

Contoh Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP Terbaru

Soal & Kunci Jawaban Reading Comprehension

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