√ Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pronoun Kunci Balasan

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pronoun & Kunci JawabanPronoun ialah kata ganti dalam Bahasa Inggris. Pronoun dipakai selain untuk mengambil alih subjek, juga agar tidak terjadi pengulangan kata dalam kalimat atau paragraf. pronoun terdiri dari I, you, they, we, she, he, dan it. Supaya kita lebih mengerti materi tentang Pronoun, berikut adalah soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Pronoun beserta kunci jawabannya.

Soal Bahasa Inggris ihwal Pronoun

Choose one word as the best answer in the bracket! Scratch the wrong ones!


  • I do not want to go to market with ( his / him / himself )
  • ( They / Them / Their ) will go to Bali next month.


  1. If he does not relax, he will make ( himself / his / him ) ill.
  2. ( Us / Ours / Our) was a rather small house compared to the one they bought.
  3. I was very upset that ( anyone / no one / someone ) agreed with me.
  4. What I must do is set ( me / I / myself ) a goal in my job.
  5. If you tell him he is good looking, it will only boost ( himself / his / its ) ego even more.
  6. ( Them / These / Their ) are the ones I want!
  7. Many people say that it was ( hers / herself / her ) that did it.
  8. The house had a wonderful pool of ( his / its / our ) own.
  9. Has John told you about ( he / himself / his ) getting married?
  10. They have had a lot of advantages over ( hers / her / she).
  11. Could not you wait in the queue like ( someone / everybody / no one ) else?
  12. They had a great party and really enjoyed ( they / theirs / themselves ).
  13. Why were you all late? Would you like to explain ( you / yourselves / yours ) ?
  14. People who work overtime usually do ( they / it / themselves ) for a good reason.
  15. It is boring – there is ( anything / nothing / something ) much to do in the evenings.
  16. Is she really as innocent as ( her / she / you ) pretends to be?
  17. It is up to ( yourselves / yours / you ) to decide.
  18. I was ( nothing / some / none ) too pleased by his behaviour that day.
  19. I have not spoken to ( somebody / anybody / nobody ) all day.
  20. Do not you think that ( us / ourselves / everyone ) should pay a bit towards it?
  21. He wanted the group to treat ( them / him / he ) as an equal.
  22. I think he has been working pretty hard, as far as ( me / one / he ) can tell.
  23. ( Theirs / They / Them ) is an odd way of doing things.
  24. The dog will not obey me – I cannot do ( nothing / anything / none ) with him.
  25. What is ( this / it / these ) I hear about you going to Japan?
  26. It is for ( them / they / themselves ) to find out if they want to come.
  27. Is it the 4 o’clock the train ( it / that / this ) stops at Cambridge?
  28. ( One / Some / Any ) advice that you can give me would be appreciated.
  29. ( Anyone / Someone / None ) who has got enough money can get in there.
  30. They found that ( he / him / himself ) was the one who had taken the money.
  31. Isn’t that man over there a friend of ( you / your / yours ) ?
  32. He has succeeded in a situation which is much more difficult than ( me / I / mine ).
  33. In fact, it was ( me / my / one ) that gave him the right information.
  34. ( Ourselves / We / Us ) all think he is doing the right thing.
  35. She has prepared to do anything and ( something / nothing / everything ) to get that job.
  36. That is not ( our / us / ourselves ) responsibility, I am afraid.
  37. You will just have to get there on ( yourself / your / yours ) own, won’t you?
  38. She needs to develop a bit more confidence in ( herself / she / her ).
  39. Is that ( one / anybody / somebody ) at the door?
  40. We were sorry and ashamed of ( us / we / ourselves ) for causing trouble.


Kunci Jawaban:


  1. Himself
  2. Ours
  3. No one
  4. Myself
  5. His
  6. These
  7. Her
  8. Its
  9. Himself
  10. Her
  11. Everybody
  12. Themselves
  13. Yourselves
  14. It
  15. Nothing
  16. Her
  17. You
  18. None
  19. Anybody
  20. Us
  21. Him
  22. He
  23. Theirs
  24. Anything
  25. It
  26. Them
  27. That
  28. One
  29. Anyone
  30. Him
  31. You
  32. Me
  33. Me
  34. We
  35. Everything
  36. Our
  37. Your
  38. Herself
  39. Anybody
  40. Us



Demikianlah soal Bahasa Inggris wacana Pronoun beserta kunci jawabannya. supaya bermanfaat dan sanggup menolong kalian dalam memahami bahan Pronoun dengan baik. Terima kasih.


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Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Preposition & Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Adjective & Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Phrase & Kunci Jawaban

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