√ Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Preposition Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Preposition & Kunci Jawaban – Preposition is a word which is used before a noun, a noun phrase or a pronoun, connecting it to another word. Preposition atau disebut juga ‘kata depan’ ialah suatu kata yang digunakan sebelum kata benda, frasa kata benda atau kata ganti, yang menghubungkannya dengan kata lain. Contoh Presposition adalah in, out, of, before, after, dan sebagainya. Berikut ini ialah soal Bahasa Inggris wacana Preposition dan kunci jawabannya.

Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Preposition

  1. In this task, you need to complete the sentencs. In each sentence, use at, on, or in with one of the phrases from the box.


The 1920s




The 15th century

The age of five

About five minutes

21 July 1969

The same time

The moment



  1. Columbus discovered America in the 15th century.
  2. The first man landed on the moon ……………………………….. .
  3. In Britain football matches are usually played …………………………………….. .
  4. You can see the stars ………………………………. if the sky is clear.
  5. In Britain children have to start school ……………………………….. .
  6. Jazz became popular in United States …………………………………. .
  7. It is difficult to listen when everyone is speaking …………………………….. .
  8. The Russian Revolution took place …………………………………… .
  9. Liam is not here ………………………… . He will be back ……………………………………. .


  1. In this exercise, you have to put in the correct prepositions: at, on, or in.


  • The concert starts at 7:45 in the evening.
  • I learned to drive in four weeks.
  • I like to go to beach on vacation with my family.


  1. The course begins …………. 7 January and ends ………………. 10 March.
  2. I went to bed …………… midnight and got up ……………. 6:30 the next morning.
  3. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived ……………….. 5 o’clock …………….. the morning.
  4. Mozart was born in Salzburg …………….. 1756.
  5. Are you doing anything special …………… the weekend?
  6. Hurry up! We have got to go …………… five minutes.
  7. I have not seen Anna for a few days. I last saw her ………….. Tuesday.
  8. I will phone you ……….. Tuesday morning ………….. about 10 o’clock, okay?
  9. I might not be at home …………… the morning. Can you phone …………… the afternoon instead?
  10. Ryan’s grandmother died ………… 1990 ……….. the age of 79.
  11. Jack’s brother is an engineer but he is out of work …………. the moment.
  12. The price of electricity is going up …………… October.
  13. …………….. Sunday afternoon I usually go for a walk in the country.
  14. There are usually a lot of parties ……………. New Year’s Eve.
  15. I like walking round the town ………….. night. It is always so peaceful.
  16. Do you fancy going to the cinema …………… Friday night?
  17. Liam does not see his parents very often these days – usually only ………… holiday and sometimes …………….. the summer for a few days.
  18. I have been invited to a wedding ………….. 14 February.
  19. I am just going out to do some shopping. I will be back …………… half an hour.
  20. Carrol got married …………… 19 years old, which is rather young to get married.
  21. Julie works hard during the week, so she likes to relax ………….. weekends.
  22. It was quite a short book and easy to read. I read it ………….. a day.
  23. The telephone and the doorbell rang …………. the same time.
  24. Mary and Henry always go out for a meal ……….. their wedding anniversary.
  25. Davis is 63 years old. He will be retiring from his job ……………. two years’ time.


Kunci Jawaban:


  1. in the 15th century
  2. on 21 July 1969
  3. on Saturdays
  4. at night
  5. at the age of five
  6. in the 1920s
  7. at the same time
  8. in 1917
  9. at the moment, in about five minutes



  1. on 7 January, on 10 March
  2. at midnight, at 6:30 in the morning
  3. at 5 o’clock in the morning
  4. in 1756
  5. on the weekend?
  6. in five minutes.
  7. on Tuesday
  8. on Tuesday morning at about 10 o’clock
  9. in the morning, in the afternoon
  10. in 1990 at the age of 79
  11. at the moment
  12. in October
  13. on Sunday afternoon
  14. in New Year’s Eve
  15. at night
  16. on Friday night
  17. on holiday, in the summer
  18. on 14 February
  19. in half an hour
  20. at 19 years old
  21. on weekends
  22. in a day
  23. at the same time
  24. in their wedding anniversary
  25. in two years’ time


Demikianlah soal Bahasa Inggris perihal Preposition beserta kunci jawabannya. Berlatih soal – soal mengenai Bahasa Inggris akan menambah wawasan dan pemahaman Bahasa Inggris kita dengan baik. Good luck!


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Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Adjective & Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Phrase & Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Verb & Kunci Jawaban

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