√ Soal Bahasa Inggris Perihal Question Tag Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Question tag & Kunci Jawaban – Apakah kalian pernah memakai kata “kan” dalam kalimat? Misalnya mirip “nama kamu Ton, kan?” atau “kita tidak perlu menciptakan kue, kan?”. Dalam Bahasa Inggris, kata “kan” tersebut mampu dibuat dengan menambahkan “tag” dalam kalimat tanya yang disebut dengan “Question Tag”. Berikut ialah soal Bahasa Inggris ihwal Question Tag beserta kunci jawabannya.


Question Tags


I. In this exercise you have to put a question tag on the end of each sentence.



  • Dinda won’t be late, will she?
  • They were very angry, weren’t they?


  1. Anna is on holiday, …………………………… ?
  2. You were not listening, …………………………… ?
  3. John does not like onions, ……………………………….. ?
  4. Jack applied for the job, ……………………………. ?
  5. You have got a new camera, …………………………… ?
  6. You can type your assignment now, …………………………. ?
  7. He won’t mind if I go early, …………………………….. ?
  8. Tom could help you, …………………………….. ?
  9. There are a lot of people here, ………………….. ?
  10. Let’s have dinner, …………………….. ?
  11. This is not very interesting show, …………………………. ?
  12. I am too fat, ……………………. ?
  13. You would not tell anyone about my secret, …………………………. ?
  14. Listen to me, …………………….. ?
  15. I should not have got angry with her, …………………….. ?
  16. Don’t drop the glass, …………………………. ?
  17. They had to go home, ……………………… ?
  18. He had never seen you before, ……………………….. ?
  19. That is not George over there, …………………………. ?
  20. Mason should pass his exams, ………………………… ?


II. This time you have to read a situation and then write a sentence with a question tag. In each example, you are asking your listener to agree with you.



You are with a friend outside a restaurant. You are looking at the prices of foods and drinks. It is very expensive. What do you say?

It is very expensive, isn’t it?


  1. You look out of the window. It is a beautiful day. What do you say to your friend?

– It is ……………………………………………………………………………………

  1. You have just come out of the cine ma with your friend. You both really enjoyed the film. You thought it was great. What do you say?

– The film ……………………………………………………………………………..

  1. Tom’s hair is much shorter. Clearly he has had his hair cut. What do you say to him?

– You ……………………………………………………………………………………

  1. You are shopping. You are trying on a jacket. You look in the mirror: it does not look very nice. What do you say to your friend?

– It ……………………………………………………………………………………….

  1. You are talking about Bill. You know that Bill works very hard. Everyone knows this. What do you say about Bill?

– Bill …………………………………………………………………………………….


III. In these situations, you are asking people for information, asking people to do things, etc.  Make sentences like the examples below.



  • You want a cigarette. Perhaps John has got one. Ask him.

John, you have not got a cigarette, have you?

  • Your sister, Shella, wants to go to market. You want her to get some oranges. Ask her.

Shella, you could not buy me some oranges, could you?


  1. Fred is just going out. You want him to get some stamps. Ask him.

– Fred, you ……………………………………………………………………..

  1. You are looking for Ann. Perhaps Tom knows where she is. Ask him.

– Tom, you …………………………………………………………………….

  1. You need a bicycle pump. Perhaps Bimo has got one. Ask him.

– Bimo, you …………………………………………………………………..

  1. Anna has a car and you do not want to walk home. You want her to give you a lift. Ask her.

– Anna, …………………………………………………………………………

  1. You are looking for your purse. Perhaps Lexy has seen it. Ask her.






  1. isn’t her?
  2. were you?
  3. does he?
  4. didn’t he?
  5. haven’t you?
  6. can’t you?
  7. will he?
  8. couldn’t he?
  9. aren’t it?
  10. shall we?
  11. is this? / is it?
  12. aren’t I?
  13. would you?
  14. will you?
  15. should I?
  16. will you?
  17. hadn’t you?
  18. had he?
  19. is that?
  20. shouldn’t he?



  1. It is a beautiful day, isn’t it?
  2. The film was great, wasn’t it?
  3. You has had your hair cut, hasn’t you?
  4. It does not look very nice, does it?
  5. Bill works very hard, doesn’t he?



  1. Fred, you could not/ cannot/ won’t buy me some stamps, could/can/will you?
  2. Tom, you know where Ann is, don’t you?
  3. Bimo, you have got a bicycle pump, haven’t you?
  4. Anna, you could not/ cannot/ would not/ won’t give me a lift, could/ can/ would/ will you?
  5. Lexy, you have seen my purse, haven’t you?


Demikianlah soal Bahasa Inggris perihal Question Tag. Semoga sanggup berguna dan mampu dimengerti dengan baik. Terima kasih.


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