√ Soal Bahasa Inggris Ihwal Phrasal Verb Kunci Balasan

Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Phrasal Verb & Kunci Jawaban – Verb atau ‘kata kerja’ merupakan sebuah kata yang mengatakan acara, kegiatan, atau agresi yang dikerjakan oleh subjek dalam kalimat. Sedangkan Phrasal Verb is a group of words in a sentence which together behave as a verb. Phrasal Verb atau Verb Phrase yakni suatu kalangan kata dalam kalimat yang mempunyai fungsi sebagai kata kerja (verb) yang mempunyai makna berlainan dari makna per kata dalam frasa tersebut. Untuk memahami lebih jauh wacana Phrasal Verb, berikut yaitu soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Phrasal Verb dan kunci jawabannya.

Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Phrasal Verb

I. In this exercise, you have to complete the sentences using a suitable phrasal verb from the box. Use the correct form of the verb each time.

• Break down

• Speak up ( = speak louder)

• Turn up ( = appear / arrive)

• Close down

• Clear up ( = become bright – for weather)

• Show off ( = show how good you are at something)

• Get on

• Grow up

• Fall of

• Move in

1. Be careful on that horse! Don’t fall off !

2. Sorry I am late. The car ……………………….. on the way here.

3. How did you ………………………. in your interview yesterday?

4. There used to be a very good shop on the corner but it ………………………. a year ago.

5. ‘We have bought a new house.’ ‘Oh, have you? When are you ……………………… ?’

6. Wayne is eight years old. When he …………………………. , he wants to be a pilot.

7. I arranged to meet Jim after work last night, but he did not …………………………. .

  √ Aspek-Aspek Penentu Mobilitas Sosial

8. The weather is horrible, isn’t it? I hope it ……………………….. later.

9. We all know how wonderful you are. There is no need to …………………………….. .

10. (on the telephone) I cannot hear you very well. Can you ………………………. a bit?

II. Complete these sentences as shown in the examples.


• He told me to fill the form, so I filled it in.

• He told me to throw away the newspaper, so I threw them away.

1. He told me to put out my cigarette, so I ………………………………………. .

2. He told me to take off my shoes, so I ……………………………………… .

3. He told me to turn on the heating, so ………………………………………….. .

4. He told me to ring up his friend, Anna, so ………………………………………….. .

5. He told me to give up smoking, so …………………………………….. .

6. He told me to put on my glasses, so …………………………………………. .

7. He told me to write down my address, so …………………………………………….. .

8. He told me to wake Andy, so ………………………………………….. .

9. He told me to come give him the pay back, so ……………………………. .

10. He told me to break down the door, so ……………………………… .

III. Complete these sentences using a suitable phrasal verb from the box. Where necessary use the past tense of the verb. Each time use it / them / me with the verb.

• Look up

• Pick up

• Turn down

• Cross out

• Wake up

• Knock out

• Shave off

• Try on


1. The radio is a bit loud. Can you turn it down a bit, please?

  √ Pengertian Dan Proses Metabolisme Glukosa Di Dalam Tubuh

2. There was a $ 20 note lying on the pavement, so I ……………………………… .

3. The children are falling asleep. Don’t …………………………….. !

4. If you make a mistake, just ………………………….. .

5. I saw a jacket which I liked in the shop. So I went in and ……………………………. to see if it fitted me.

6. There were a few words that I did not understand, so I ……………………………. in my dictionary.

7. He had a beard for a long time, but he got fed up with it. So he …………………………….. .

8. A stone fell on my head and ………………………………. . I was unconscious for half an hour.


Kunci Jawaban:


1. Fall off

2. Broke down

3. Get on

4. Closed down

5. Moving in

6. Grows up

7. Turn up

8. Clear up

9. Show off

10. Speak up


1. I put it out.

2. I took them off

3. I turned it on.

4. I rang her up.

5. I gave it up.

6. I put it on.

7. I wrote it down.

8. I woke him up.

9. I paid him back.

10. I broke it down.


1. Turn it down

2. Picked it up

3. Wake them up

4. Cross it out

5. Tried it on

6. Looked them up

7. Shaved it off

8. Knocked me out

Demikianlah soal Bahasa Inggris wacana Phrasal Verb dan kunci jawabannya. Semoga sanggup diketahui dengan baik dan memperbesar wawasan kalian akan Phrasal Verb. Terima kasih.

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