√ Penjelasan Macam-Macam Modal Dan Contoh Kalimatnya

Penjelasan Macam-Macam Modal dan Contoh Kalimat – Simak penjelasan tentang macam-macam modal lengkap dengan acuan kalimatnya. 😀

1. Will

a. Menyatakan prediksi

Contoh: I think the president will make new regulation on market price.

b. Menyatakan kepercayaan

Contoh: I’m sure that they will find the best way to be success in the next league.

c. Meyakinkan orang lain

Contoh: It’s fine that you made mistake. You will beat your rival. I believe in you.

d. Menyatakan keputusan

Contoh: I feel doubtful about him. I will stop the corporation with his company.

e. Meminta dengan formal

Contoh: Will you accompany me to go to the hospital?

f. Memberikan tawaran

Contoh: Please, stay here. I will cook delicious foods for you.

g. Membuat komitmen/bahaya


I promise you. I will take your right back.

Don’t come late to my brother’s wedding or I will not forgive you.

2. Shall (Untuk subjeknya I dan We)

a. Menawarkan

Contoh: Shall we clean this old house?

b. Memberikan nasehat

Shall I stop playing games?

3. May and Might

May & might biasanya dipakai untuk membahas kemungkinan atau peluang yang terjadi di kala kini, lampau, dan nanti. May (50%) pertanda ekspresi kepercayaan yang lebih dari pada might (30%), menyatakan ketidakpastian/kemungkinan.


He may be at home. His teacher told me that he went home 5 minutes ago.

They might help us, we never know.

4. Would

a. Bentuk lampau dari will, umumnya dipakai juga dalam kalimat tidak langsung.

  Pengertian Lingkungan Hidup


“He will change his mind for you.”

He said that he would change his mind for you.

b. Permintaan/penawaran yang sopan

Contoh: Would you like to give me the medicine?

Would you tell the truth, please?

c. Kalimat conditional, menyatakan hal yang jauh dari realita.

Contoh: If I were him, I would struggle hard to win the prize.

If the world stopped spinning, I would choose you to be by my side.


5. Can and Could

a. Menyatakan kesanggupan

Contoh: I speak five languages. (sekarang)

Peter could swim well when he was a kid. (lampau)

b. Permintaan


Can you go to the meeting as the representative of me?

Could you sit down, please? The movie is about to start. (Lebih halus atau sopan)

c. Meminta izin


Can I go outside for a while?

Could I ask you several questions? (Lebih halus atau sopan)

d. Pilihan dan Kesempatan


If you have a dilema, you can share it with me.

If you want me to make a cup of cappuccino, you can wait for it here.

We could start our research soon, but the fund is still a masalah.

6. Must

a. Keharusan/kewajiban


He must understand other people’s condtions.

I must do something to help my best friend.

You must finish what you have started. You promise it.

You must pay your debt.

b. Nasehat yang keras dan seruan

You must stop consuming those junk foods. It is not healthy.

You must think of it well before you decide to sacrifice something.

  Pengertian E-Learning

c. Menyatakan kepastian

She must be hungry since she has not eaten anything today.

He must angry that he screams like crazy.

7. Should

a. Nasehat


You should sleep early in order to recover fast.

The children should play and study to increase their creativity.

You should not pick me up if you are still sick.

b. Menyatakan hal yang sebaiknya dikerjakan namun tidak dikerjakan

I should have told him the story behind it. So, there’s no misunderstanding.

They should have done an operation before the patient was collapsed.

8. Ought to

Ought to umumnya mempunyai makna yang seolah-olah dengan should. Namun, should lebih umum digunakan atau lebih mudah untuk dipakai.

Heni should/ought to study hard for the akhir examination.

They shoul/ought to take a vacation to refresh their mind and soul.

Sumber https://www.kakakpintar.id