√ Pengertian, Generic Structure, Dan Pola Narrative Text

Pengertian, Generic Structure, dan Contoh Narrative Text – Narrative text merupakan salah satu jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang sering kita jumpai. Berikut ini terdapat klarifikasi singkat mengenai apa itu narrative text, generic struture, serta misalnya.


Narrative text ialah jenis teks yang mempunyai masalah di dalamnya. Dalam kisah tersebut, masalah tersebut dicoba untuk dipecahkan atau dicarikan jalan keluarnya. Tujuan dari narrative text yaitu untuk menghibur pembaca. Selain itu, narrative text juga mampu menstimulasi dan berbagi imajinasi pembaca. Narrative text memiliki banyak tipe, antara lain dongeng dongeng, misteri, kisah hewan, science fiction, romansa, petualangan, mitos, legenda, narasi sejarah, dan lain-lain. Narrative text sanggup dalam bentuk dongeng faktual (non fiksi) atau kisah karangan (fiksi).

Generic Structures

1. Orientation: Pembukaan dalam narrative text yang menceritakan tokoh-tokoh yang berperan, dimana, dan kapan dongeng tersebut terjadi.

2. Complication: Pada cuilan ini, persoalan dalam kisah mulai muncul sampai menuju pada klimaksnya. Biasanya konflik yang terjadi melibatkan tokoh utamanya.

3. Resolution: Pada penggalan ini, problem yang terjadi dituntaskan, baik dengan simpulan yang bahagia maupun murung.

4. Re-orientation/Coda: Bagian ini boleh ditulis, boleh juga tidak. Coda terdiri dari kalimat penutup dongeng, mirip nilai budpekerti, anjuran , atau pesan dari sang penulis.


Contoh Narrative Text

Cat and Dog

Long time ago, there were a cat and dog which became friends for years. They protected each other. The cat was very cute and beautiful. The dog was big and fierce. However, the dog never barked to the cat. He kept the cat warm. He shared his foods. He protected the cat when she was sleeping. They had a very sweet friendship ever.

  Noun Phrase

One day, the dog went somewhere without knowing of the cat. The dog was looking for something but he forgot to inform the cat. He went alone. In the evening, there was a storm and made the cat wet. She felt cold and got fever. But, the dog didn’t appear. The cat seemed very sad. She had no idea about the dog. She was angry a little for not being informed.

Two days later, the dog appeared. He came with another dog. The dog was pretty. Even she is prettier than the cat. They met coincidentally when the male dog looked for a present that he would give to the cat. When the cat saw the female dog, the cat was not friendly. She thought that the dog left her for the female dog. The male dog tried to introduce them each other. However, the cat refused it. She left those two dogs. The male dog was confused. He chased her. But, she scratched him by her nails. The dog asked for explanation but the cat just kept silent. The dog was disappointed. The cat left the dog. From that moment, the dog promised that he would never be a friend of cat anymore. After that, the male and female dog lived together. They fell in love and had some baby dogs. They lived happily and never saw the cat for a long time.

The cat which left the dog wandered alone to cure her heart. In her journey, she met a male cat. He protected her but she knew that it would never be same as what the dog did. She tried to forget the dog and merk new life with the male cat. They also never met the dogs. However, if only the cat knew the reason why the dog went and left her that day, she would regret it forever.

  √ Pemahaman, Generic Structure, Dan Acuan Narrative Text

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