√ Pemahaman, Generic Structure, Dan Contoh Recount Text

Pengertian, Generic Structure, dan Contoh Recount Text – Selain Narrative Text ada pula teks yang sering sekali kita jumpai, yakni recount text. Berikut ini terdapat penjelasan singkat tentang pemahaman recount text, generic structure, serta misalnya.


Recount text yaitu jenis text yang menceritakan wacana pengalaman atau peristiwa yang telah terjadi. Dalam recount text, sebuah peritiwa dipaparkan dengan urutannya berdasarkan waktu. Di dalam recount text, tidak terdapat complication atau conflict dimana ada suatu urusan terjadi.

Generic Structure

Recount text memiliki struktur atau susunan sebagai berikut:

1. Orientation: menunjukkan pembaca berita yang melatarbelakangi dongeng. Biasanya isu ini diharapkan oleh pembaca untuk memahami text. Contohnya mirip siapa yang terlibat, dimana dongeng itu terjadi, kapan kejadian itu terjadi, dan lain-lain.

2. Series of events: serangkaian kejadian yang dipaparkan secara berurutan kronologinya. Tiap insiden diterangkan secara rinci dan detil.

3. Reorientation: ini adalah rangkuman atau kesimpulan dari seluruh rangkaian peristiwa. Penulis mampu menambahkan komentar pribadi tentang insiden atau pengalaman tersebut.


Contoh Recount Text

Charity Program in A Remote Area

Two months ago, I joined a charity agenda held by a child care organization. It was not easy to be one of the volunteers. I followed several tests including written test, interview and medical check-up. The chosen ones would be placed in a remote area in which there were no electricity and public transportation. The organization would make sure that the volunteers were tough enough to live there for two months. My motivation to join the acara was that I challenged myself to give real contribution to our country through it. I didn’t want to waste that chance. Besides, I didn’t have any business while I was waiting for my graduation day. Therefore, I decided to join a positive activity.

  25. Perhatikan Gambar Di Samping!

Being the volunteer in charity program, it meant that I taught children there, and with the team, I established a mini-school for children there. We did not only teach but also we taught some people there wo were interested to be the teacher in mini school. Thus, when we went back to the city, the children still could study with them. Furthermore, we made a library as the reading resource. I felt so honoured to be one of the volunteers. I thought that my life was very useful for other people. My life had value.

The half of the first month, there were a lot of challenges for me myself. I had to face the condition in which there was no electricity. In the evening, the only light was from candle. And then, I could not call my family. I knew that my mother must have been worried because I couldn’t be contacted even though I had explained what would I face there. Mother was same in all over the world. They would be worried on everything related to their children. But, I kept calm and told myself that everything’s going to run well. This jadwal would be successful and my mother would understand he condition of mine.

As we wished, the jadwal ran well. We were success to make mini school and library. We had made some people there able to teach the children. We had no worries to leave that village. The moment that we were going to be back to the city was the most emotional one than the other things happened during the acara. The citizens seemed sad and the children cried. I also could not resist my tears. We promised to them that we were going to visit them once in two months. We were going to control the program.

  √ Contoh Report Text Ihwal Binatang (Jaguar) Dan Artinya

It was an incredible experience to be a volunteer in that charity acara. Someday I would like to join the other jadwal like this. Even, I have a dream to establish an organization which is concerned with education and children’s issue. It was a step forward closer to my dream.

Sumber https://www.kakakpintar.id