√ Materi Tenses: Present Perfect Tense

Materi Tenses: Present Perfect Tense  – Present perfect tense dipakai untuk mengekspresikan aksi yang telah dimulai pada kurun lampau dan berhenti di periode sekarang serta memiliki pengarh pada kurun sekarang. Present perfect tense menekankan pada hasil dari peristiwa yang terjadi. Pada lazimnya present perfect tense juga digunakan untuk membicarakan pengalaman.

Pola dan tumpuan kalimat ekspresi dalam present perfect tense:

No. Jenis kalimat Pola Contoh Kalimat
1. Affirmative Subject + have/has +verb 3 (past participle) + Object. I/You/They/We have gone abroad.

She/he/it has gone abroad.

2. Negative Subject + have/has + not + verb 3 (past participle) + Object. I/You/They/We have not gone abroad yet.

She/he/it has not gone abroad yet.

3. Interogative Have/has+ Subject+ verb 3 (past participle) + Object+ ? Have I/you/they/we gone abroad?

Has she/he/it gone abroad?

Pola dan referensi kalimat nominal dalam present perfect tense:

No. Jenis kalimat Pola Contoh Kalimat
1. Affirmative Subject + have/has + been+ complement. I/You/They/We have been a doctor since a year ago.

She/he/it has been a doctor since a year ago.

2. Negative Subject + have/has + not + been+ complement. I/You/They/We have not been a doctor yet.

She/he/it has not been a doctor yet.

3. Interogative Have/has+ Subject+ been + complement + ? Have I/you/they/we been a doctor since a year ago?

Has she/he/it been a doctor since a year ago?

Ekspresi waktu dalam present perfect tense:

• For

• Since

• Already

• Lately

• Yet

• Just

• Ever

• Never

• Recently


Berikut ini yaitu tumpuan kalimat present perfect tense berdasarkan fungsi/kegunaanya:

1. Pengalaman

Kita dapat mendeskripsikan pengalamna kita dengan menggunakan present perfect tense. Contohnya menyerupai menceritakan hal apa yang pernah dialami dan belum pernah dialami.


• They have got pelatihan from the government lately.

• I have never travelled abroad.

• I have ever seen a strange plane in the sky.

• Kenzy has learned English for a year in Australia.

2. Perubahan

Kita menggunakan present perfect tense untuk mendeskripsikan pergantian yang terjadi pada sesuatu dalam kala waktu tertentu.


• My daughter has already grown into a lovely girl.

• My mother has become more curious about my result of study than before.

• They have been popular among politicians since they joined the party.

• Perry has already been aware of her health.

3. Pencapaian/Penyelesaian pekerjaan

Kita juga sering memakai present perfect tense untuk menuliskan apa saja yang sudah kita capai atau pekerjaan apa saja yang telah kita selesaikan.


• Burjo has started business in culinary since 1998.

• I have finished writing 10 essays in a week.

• They have practiced traditional dance for two hours.

4. Akumulasi insiden/pekerjaan

Kita mampu menggunakan present perfect tense untuk membicarakan akumulasi dari pekerjaan atau insiden yang terjadi dalam periode waktu tertentu. Dengan present perfect tense, ini mengindikasikan bahwa process nya dapat jadi belum final dan akan ada aksi lainnya lagi.


• My father has called me three times.

• We have had four research projects in this semester.

• Wiwin has talked to her mother for several times about her willingness to study about but her mother has not given any response yet.

Sumber https://www.kakakpintar.id

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