√ Definisi Second Third Conditional Serta Contohnya

Definisi Second & Third Conditional Serta Contohnya

1. Second Conditional

Kalimat conditional tipe dua ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan keinginan/khayalan yang berlawanan dengan realita sekarang, atau juga untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang tidak mungkin terjadi di kurun sekarang. Oleh alasannya adalah itu, referensi conditional tipe dua ini memadukan simple past tense dan past future tense.


If + simple past tense, past future tense (would + infinitive)


• Ketika if clause dalam bentuk kalimat nominal (to be), “were” dipakai untuk subjek apapun. Penggunaan to be ‘was’ biasanya digunakan untuk kalimat yang lebih informal.

• Subject pronoun (kata ganti benda) + would lazimnya disingkat dalam bahasa lisan seperti: I’d, You’d, She’d, He’d, We’d, They’d.

Contoh kalimat:

• If I were you, I would turn around and avoid the crowded road.

Kenyataan: I am not him . He does not turn around and trapped in the crowded road. (Yang diajak mengatakan tidak memutar arah dan terjebak dalam jalanan yang padat.)

• If Linda watched the show, she would cry out of loud.

Kenyataan: Linda does not watch the show.

• Rey would not forgive you if he knew that his car was broken.

Kenyataan: Rey does not know that his car is broken.

• If Febby were tall, she could become a catwalk model.

Kenyataan: Febby is not tall.

• If we came early, we might see the first performer.

Kenyataan: They come late.

• If you had the discount voucher, you would special price from the seller.

  Pemahaman Suspensi

Kenyataan: she does not have the discount voucher.


2. Third Conditional

Kalimat conditional tipe tiga ini yakni kalimat yang dipakai menyatakan penyesalan perihal masa kemudian. Situasinya telah tejadi di masa lalu. Penyesalan atau keinginan yang ingin disampaikan adalah masa lalu sanggup diubah. Selain itu juga sanggup digunakan untuk menunjukkan kritik ihwal perilaku atau tragedi di kurun kemudian.


If + past perfect tense, would have + past participle (verb 3)

Contoh kalimat:

• If my parents had been rich, I would have gone to university to continue my study three years ago.

Kenyataan: His parents were not rich so that he didn’t go to university to continue his study. (Orang tuanya tidak kaya sehingga beliau tidak melanjutkan pendidikan ke universitas tiga tahun yang lalu.)

• Frida would have stayed in Bandung if she had found a job a year ago.

Kenyataan: She didn’t find a job yet a year ago.

• We would have won the competition if we had hired a new strong player six months before.

Kenyataan: they didn’t win the competition because the didn’t hire a new strong player six months before.

• Rena should have been happy if she had known that her mother was still alive three years ago.

Kenyataan: Rena was not happy because she did not know that her mother was still alive three years ago.

• If Berry had struggled to get the achievement, his parents would have been very proud of him.

Kenyataan: Berry didn’t struggle to get the achievement.

• My mother and I would have bought a new bag if we had not spent much money on something unimportant.

  √ 2 Pola Descriptive Text About Place

Kenyataan: My mother and I spent much money on something unimportant.

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