√ Aturan Penggunaan Huruf Kapital Pada Kata Benda Bahasa Inggris

Aturan Penggunaan Huruf Kapital pada Kata Benda Bahasa Inggris – Dalam bahasa Inggris, huruf kapital cuma digunakan pada proper noun saja, atau kata benda yang diberi nama spesifik. Contohnya mirip nama orang, kota, negara, hari, bulan, judul, gedung, hotel, jalan, brand produk, atau nama spesifik lainnya.


Chicago (nama tempat)

Raelina (nama orang)

Indonesia (nama negara)

Wardah (nama produk)

Sunday (nama hari)

Hilton hotel (nama hotel)

Uncle John Street (nama jalan)

Perjuangan building (nama gedung)

Dan lain-lain.

Contoh Kalimat:

• We invited Raisa to be the guest star in our school farewell party last month.

• They are going to go to Bali by Garuda Indonesia air plane.

Dona loves jogging on Sundays.

Petty lives at Purnawarman Street number 67, Puloemas subdictrict, East Jakarta.

• Our colleague gave us a voucher to stay at Grand Universal Hotel for our honeymoon in Bandung.

Reny and Boby will hold their wedding reception at Bagas Raya building next year.

• President Joko Widodo will visit several cities in a month regarding to the establishment of health facilities and schools.

• Indonesia has sent many athletes to compete in Asian Games.

• She is not allowed to play Angry Birds anymore since she should focus on her tamat term test.

• Uncle Handy stood in the stage to deliver his speech as the representative of our family in my engagement day.

• I would like to do something special for my mother on the Mother’s Day.

  Announcement Text

• Everybody is busy to prepare their custom for Halloween this October.

• They said that they support the good candidate to be the governor of DKI Jakarta.

• I ate Indomie a lot in a week and I am afraid if my mom knows it.

• He named his rabbit ‘Queen’ since it looked beautiful and cute.

• Who is Didi? Oh, I see. It must be your new cat.


Namun, khusus dalam dunia bisnis, pemerintahan, kepolisian, dan militer, ada kata benda lazim (common noun) yang ditulis dalam karakter capital untuk tujuan kesopanan. Contohnya menyerupai kata-kata yang menerangkan jabatan atau gelar seperti Company, Head of, President, Director, President, Office Manager, Commanding Officer, Division, Claims Department, Attorney General, Court, Regiment, Unit dan lain-lain.

Contoh kalimat:

• Nancy’s father is the Head of Human Resource Department in the inssurance company.

• All ministers should stay in Jakarta for a week before President Joko Widodo announces the result of cabinet reshuffle.

• I felt honoured when my senior asked me to the Head Office Manager for the upcoming bazar.

• The Director of Bintang Toejdoe Group shared his idea to release a new product in the annual meeting.

• My father-in-law works as Attorney General.

• Let’s pay attention on the list of members in Hospitality Division that is being complained by an old woman.


• Terdapat pengecualian untuk aturan yang telah dijelaskan alasannya adalah seringkali dalam dunia marketing (penjualan), perusahaan/institusi menggunakan karakter kecil untuk menamai agenda atau produk mereka. Contohnya ibarat iPhone, eBay, oneworld Alliance, dan lain-lain.

  √ Pemahaman Procedure Text, Tujuan, Languange Feature, Genericstructure

• Kata “I” yaitu pronoun/kata ganti benda. Dalam bahasa Inggris dia senantiasa ditulis dalam aksara capital. Namun dalam bahasa lain, kata yang mempunyai makna sepadan dengan “I” tidak ditulis dalam aksara capital.

Sumber https://www.kakakpintar.id