9 Contoh Undangan Ulang Tahun dalam Bahasa Inggris – Terdapat acuan-pola undangan ulang tahun dalam bahasa Inggris. Total terdapat 9 acuan yang mampu Anda jadikan sebagai tumpuan. 🙂
Daftar Isi
Contoh 1
Let’s make a splash for
Sisy’s 10th Birthday
Saturday, Eleventh of June
Two thousand and sixteen
At 10 a.m.
Savana’s Pool
Oceanic street, New City
RSVP by June 1, 2016
To Adeline at 920202020
Contoh 2
Friends are flowers in the garden of life…
And we’ve ‘picked’ a great bunch to celebrate
Rinni’s 27th birthday
Sunday, fifth of June, 2016
Please pop up at 1.30 p.m
(and be ready to ‘leaf’ at 2 p.m. or Rinni will wilt!)
Greenchaos Restaurant
7292 Mansion Drive
Hosted by Rinni’s “Buds”
Yoan, Elco, and Jevin
Contoh 3
Friends and family,
Let’s all cheer!
It’s the celebration of the year!
Food, laughter, stories
Cheers to good health, and fun.
It’s a surprise 57th birthday party for our cherised one!
Yesika Glean
Saturday, June 18, 2016
From 8 p.m till drop
At Waroenk Pizza, Bandung
Regrets only to Vivian Glean
(022) 83930030
Contoh 4
Ballons and streamers
And lots of fun!
tommy Herrold
Is turning three
Join us as we celebrate
On Friday, third of June
Two thousand and sixteen
At 10 o’clock in the morning
The Herrold’s House
Lowway, Switzerland
Please respond by May 31st
Kimi (779766689)
Contoh 5
Our son, Rendy, is turning seventeen years old!
To have a guest like you would sure be a delight
Please come join us for a
“Sweet Seventeen Retro Themed Night”
Saturday, June 4, 2016 7.00 pm – 11 pm
Lembayung Club, Bandung
Formal Attire
RSVP by May 27, 2016
(022) 7370202002 or Text 082789202002
Contoh 6
Once upon a time, a little girl had a dream
To have a beautiful party when she turned sweet seventeen.
To have you as a guest would be a delight.
So please come join us for
a magical night for
Cecilia Naomi!
Sunday, June 5th at 3 pm
Asian Club
Contoh 7
You are invited to
We will watch a movie and stay up late
What an awsome way to celebrate
Renata’s 18th birthday party
Saturday, June 4, 2016
at 8 pm
Renata’s residence
Slumber street number 54, Fun City
RSVP by June 1, 2016-05-27
To Kaylie 9202-28282
Contoh 8
Hello, I am Harinda Darisa Aisha.
Mom and Dad said I have been a very good girl.
So, they are throwing a Slumber Party for my 14th Birthday!
I would surely best enjoy this day of movie marathon
with lots of popcorn and pizza with your company.
Don’t forget to do your outrageous slumber get-up
Unique one gets a prize.
Hey, there are more.
A big, big, big water bed is waiting.
Barbeque is prepared.
We are going to have a lot of fun
On Sunday June 5, 2016 at 8 pm
At Harinda’s Residence
Daun street number 2, North Jakarta
RSVP by June 1, 2016
To Harinda’s Mother, Mrs. Jayanti
(021) 73930-2393
Contoh 9
Thirty years in the making…
Felici reaches a milestone of epic proportions.
Please join me in helping her celebrate
this momentous occasion!
Date : Saturday, June 4, 2016
Time : 7 p.m – 10 p.m
Place : Newtoon Business Building Rooftop
RSVP by June 2, 2016
To David Bayu 02820882002
Sumber https://www.kakakpintar.id