√ 3 Referensi Surat Permintaan Rapat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

3 Contoh Surat Undangan Rapat Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Undangan rapat umumnya di tulis dan diberikan terhadap orang-orang yang berada dalam suatu instansi atau organisasi. Undangan rapat mampu dikategorikan sebagai usul formal atau resmi. Silahkan lihat misalnya dibawah ini:

Example 1:

Senyum Indonesia Foundation

Jl. Pangeran No.21st, Baturaja, South Sumatera

Telp (0735) 35xxxx

Baturaja March 25th, 2016

No: 12/03/III/2016

Subject: Meeting Invitation

Attachment: 1 pieces

The Honorable Mr. Darmono

We write this letter to request your presence at the internal meeting of Senyum Indonesia Foundation. The meeting will be attended by all the foundation management from all the branches in Indonesia. The meeting will be held on:

Date: April 12nd, 2016

Place: Senyum Indonesia Head office

Time: 10.00 am – 12.00 am

In this annual meeting we will discuss about:

1. The evaluation of the previous President of the foundation

2. Discussing and rencana the election of the new President of Senyum Indonesia 2016-2018 period.

3. Discuss the perkara from all the branhces of Senyum Indonesia.

4. Planing for the next meeting.

This is an important meeting for Senyum Indonesia Foundation. We hope all the stakeholders will be available. Thank you for your attention.


Didi Dodo

Senyum Indonesia Foundation President

Example 2:

The Ministry of Education and Culture

Gadjah Besar Senior High School

Jl. Anumerta No. 24th, Jakarta

Phone Call (0721) 787383

Jakarta, May 12nd, 2015

No: 183/363/VI/2015

Subject: New Students Registration Meeting

Attachment: 1 pieces

  √ Pemahaman, Pola, Kalimat Compound Noun

For All the teachers,

As the 2014/2015 school year will be closed and the 3rd grade students farewell is finished. I invite all the teachers to attend the meeting, which will be held at:

Date: May 21st, 2015

Place: School Hall

Time: 09.00 am to 12.00 am


This meeting will be focused on the strategy of promoting our school and the new student registration. We also have to form the committee of the teacher and the students who will participate in promotion and registration.

This is important meeting for us and for this school. I hope all the teacher will be there to attend the meeting.

The Principal

Heryanto Subur

Example 3:

PT. Antah Berantah

Jl. Batu No. 211, Sorong Papua

Phone (0321) 135644

Sorong, December 9th, 2012

No: 012/09/XII/2012

Subject: Annual Meeting

Attachment: 2 Pieces

All the Head Branches

This year will pass in some days. The Management of the PT. Antah Berantah in the head office in Sorong want to invite all the heads of the company branches to attend the annual meeting. The meeting will be at:

Date: December 28th to 30th 2012

Place: At Papua Hotel, Jl. Bandar No.212, Sorong

Time: Start on 28th at 10.00 am.

This meeting will focus on all the 2012 year closing. It will cover:

1. Each brances achievement evaluation

2. Evaluation of the employee of each branch

3. Discussing the chance of the employee who will be promoted in each branch

4. Celebrating the New Year Eve.

  Procedure Text

5. Annual PT. Antah Berantah Family Gathering

Please bring all the report needed during the 3 days annual meeting. You can bring only 3 people with you in this event. The family gathering will be held on December 31st, 2012. We attach the jadwal and the report that has to be prepared in this meeting. The accomodation will be managed by the company.

Thank you.

Brandon Edward

The Chief Manager PT. Antah Berantah

Sumber https://www.kakakpintar.id