√ 2 Teladan Pidato Bahasa Inggris Perihal Kesehatan

2 Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kesehatan – Berikut terdapat contoh pidato bahasa Inggris yang semoga sanggup berfaedah bagi Anda.

Daftar Isi

Example 1:

Good morning all.

The honorable Mr. Best, the principal of Sekolah Menengan Atas 1 Keren, and of course all the teachers..

First of all, Let’s us express our thank to Almighty God for His blessing and grace, so we can gather in a sunny day right now. I also want to thank for the opportunity given to me to speak in front of you all.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Today I want to speak about the important thing for our life, it is healthy life. Health is a good investment for everyone. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. A good health will make us have longer lifetime. But, how can we have a good healthy life?. We can start a healthy life from our family. We can create a clean home environment, eat and drink well and in a good way. Healthy life does not always need much money to spend.

For example, we can keep our home clean. A clean home will make us far from many diseases such as dengue fever, influenza, or diarrhea. A good food and drink also have an important part of a healthy life. Nowadays, we can easily meet the fast food everywhere, we also can find so many foods and drinks are sold in the street area which contain preservative. In a small amount, it may not cause a direct effect on our body. But if it is piled up in our body in a big amount, there will be so many bad effects for our body.

  Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Pidato

Ladies and gentlemen.

The easiest way to prevent the bad effect of unhealthy foods and drinks is making them by our self. We can make a good food with good nutrition for our body in our home. Moreover, in this internet era, we can easily find a healthy recipe on the internet that we can apply in our home. Healthy life is not too hard to imply, but it needs more hard work for us. Let’s start a healthy life from our own kitchen.

I think that is all I want to speak. Thank you for your attention and the occasion given to me.

Good morning and Best wishes.


Example 2:

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

The honorable school principal, all the teachers and my beloved friends in this school.

Thank to Allah SWT for blessing us with a healthy and a sunny day. I also thank you for the occasion for me to stand in front of you to speak about healthy life.

Health should be the priority of every human being. A good health, physical or mental will make everyone can do their daily activity well. But as a teenager, most of us do not care about our health. The boys smoke, drink alcohol, and the worst are consuming drugs. Although we know that all of it bring bad effect on us, we eliminate it. We prefer to be famous with the wrong way and finally, they destroy themselves from the inside.

When the boys are related to smoking, drinking alcohol, and drugs, the most unhealthy habit of the teenage girl is their desire to make a proportional body. We cannot deny that a perfect body will make a girl look beautiful. But there is a misunderstanding when they do diet by decreasing the nutrition for their body. They think it will make their body will be thinner. They force their body to do the daily activity with small supply and finally the body can’t stand and gets ill.

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To have a healthy life we should know better way of life. We should eat and drink in the proper amount that our body need. Exercise also important to make a good balance in our body. We should eat well and in a regular time, we need to drink. If we want to keep our body in its perfect condition, we should be able to be consistent in a healthy way of life.

Health is our asset for longer life. Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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